
As a kid, I was lucky to have a Dad who was a top-notch book-cover maker, wrapping my school textbooks in brown paper bags that he transformed into precisely folded, sharp cornered, blank canvases.


But even Dad's covers couldn't fix everything: Some books showed their age with dog-eared pages, highlights, tears and leftover love notes. Plus, they weighed several pounds each, tugging down my JanSport backpack.


This week, I tested a one-stop solution to much of that which ails textbooks: Apple's iBooks 2. This redesigned iPad app offers enhanced educational textbooks that are, for now, focused on high-school students and cost no more than $15 each. Apple's smallest and least expensive iPad can store roughly eight to 10 textbooks, along with other content. (High schoolers have an average of four textbooks a year, according to Apple.) The iPad, itself, weighs just over one pound.

今年2月初,我测试了一种一劳永逸的方案,能解决教科书存在的很多问题:那就是苹果公司(Apple)的iBooks 2。这款经过重新设计的iPad应用程序能用于显示新一代的电子教科书──目前以高中教科书为主,每本价格不超过15美元。苹果公司容量最小且价格最便宜的iPad型号在安装常用软件后,还能存储约八到十本教科书。(据苹果公司统计,美国高中生平均每年使用四本教科书。)iPad本身的重量只有一磅多(约500克)。

These electronic textbooks include interactive materials that seem like they should've been available long ago: multiple-choice questions that can be answered with taps on the screen; embedded videos; dynamic diagrams that change with touch gestures; and flash cards for studying important terms in a book.


The big catch is you need an iPad to read these textbooks, and schools or parents may have trouble budgeting for these devices. The least expensive iPad costs $499. Apple argues the low cost of books will offset the cost of the device.


Also, some people have trouble reading long passages on the iPad's backlit screen, or find it uncomfortable to hold. In the sun, its reflective surface makes reading nearly impossible.


Currently about 1,000 books, 11 of which are textbooks, have the new iBooks 2 features. These include titles from well-known publishers like Pearson Education, Dorling Kindersley and McGraw-Hill; Houghton Mifflin Harcourt books are coming in time for the start of the next school year.

目前,约有1,000本电子书支持iBooks 2的新功能,其中11本是教科书。这些教科书来自于大名鼎鼎的出版商,如培生教育集团(Pearson Education)、多林金德斯利公司(Dorling Kindersley)以及麦格希集团(McGraw-Hill)等。霍顿米夫林哈考特集团(Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)也将在下个新学年开始前推出电子教科书。

But the books also include published works from teachers, experts and regular people who used Apple's new iBooks Author app to create a book. This is a free app for Macs for creating and publishing content. User-created books are approved by Apple and then made available in the iBooks store for free or for a price.

不过,这一千本书还包括教师、专家和普通人用苹果新推出的iBooks Author软件制作出来的电子出版物。iBooks Author是适用于Mac电脑()的一款免费应用程序,用于创建和发布电子书,苹果公司审核用户提交的内容,然后放在iBooks商店中,供用户免费或付费下载。

I downloaded several of the new iBooks textbooks onto my iPad, including 'Biology,' 'Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life,' 'Chemistry' and 'Life on Earth.' I also downloaded an older AP Biology title without enhancements: Zoomed-in images weren't in focus, and the book lacked interactive materials.

我用iPad下载了几本最新的iBooks教科书,包括《生物学》(Biology)、《恐龙与史前生命》(Dinosaurs and Prehistoric Life)、《化学》(Chemistry)和《地球上的生命》(Life on Earth)等。我还下载了一本老版的电子教科书《大学预修生物学》(AP Biology),里面的图片放大后就变得很模糊,而且没有互动内容。

Delightful animations and gestures abound in these enhanced e-books.


Tap on any image to see it larger and tap different parts of the image to see animations, like an electromagnetic spectrumdiagram in a science textbook that showed frequency and wavelength as I tapped on images of infrared lamps and lasers. A two-finger pinch returns the image to its place in the book with a playful animation.


When these books are read with the iPad held in landscape (horizontally), visuals take up large portions of the screen. But when the iPad is in portrait mode, text takes center stage, with smaller representations of each image appearing in the margins. This option to focus on reading could be a real help for kids who are easily distracted. Some titles, however, may only be readable in landscape view.


Study cards, a digital version of the 3-by-5 index cards you used to spend hours making by hand, are a huge timesaver. Every term in a book's glossary generates its own study card. The front shows the word, and a tap on its corner flips the card to show its definition.


Even highlighting is easier and looks better in iBooks 2: It works in several colors, and rather than turning on highlighting first, readers simply hold down a finger and start dragging that finger along text to highlight. Study cards also are created for every passage you highlight.

利用iBooks 2,在书上划重点也变得更容易和美观。划线的颜色有多种,而且无须打开这项功能,只要按下手指滑过文字,就能把重点划下来,标注重点的每一段文字会被直接制作成学习卡。

But I found a few bugs. The new iBooks 2 app crashed several times and an Algebra 1 book froze in mid-download. The download didn't complete because my iPad was full, but a notice about this didn't appear, even after rebooting, until several hours later.

不过,我也找到了一些缺陷。新的iBooks 2应用程序在使用中崩溃了几次,而且《代数学1》(Algebra 1)下载到一半就不动了。下载中断是因为我的iPad容量不足,但系统没有马上给出提示,甚至重启机器也无济于事,直到数小时后提示消息才姗姗来迟。

Apple later reported that the file I was trying to download was corrupted, and replaced the file.


And there are other curious omissions. Some parts of these books, like blank lab charts and chapter review questions, didn't offer a built-in place to enter answers.


For that, I had to create add a digital note in the book (using the iPad's on-screen keyboard) or do the unthinkable -- use a pencil and paper.


An Apple official said all notes are text-based and there are no current plans for finger or stylus input.


In addition to iBooks, Apple revamped its free iTunes U app, which used to be limited to audio and video lectures for higher education.

除了iBooks的更新换代,苹果还改进了免费的iTunes U应用程序,以往这款软件只能用来学习大学阶段的音频和视频课程。

Now, iTunes U is available for students in kindergarten through 12th grade and can include all sorts of course components like the new iBooks textbooks, outlines, Web links and apps. This content is free, except for in-app materials including things like textbooks or apps. I downloaded Duke University's 'Introductory Chemistry' in iTunes U and it contained 567 videos, books, documents, apps and Web links.

现在,iTunes U向其他年龄段的学生开放,从幼儿园一直到高中阶段,并拥有各种各样的课程内容,如iBooks教科书、课程提纲、网站链接和应用程序等。除了教科书和应用程序等可在程序内购买的项目外,所有内容都是免费的。我通过iTunes U下载了杜克大学(Duke University)的《化学入门》(Introductory Chemistry)课程,包括567段视频,还有不少书籍、文件、应用程序和网络链接。

If anyone can move textbooks into a new realm with interactive, smart gestures, it's Apple. But iBooks needs to work out a few kinks before it can be used as a full replacement for physical textbooks.


Katherine Boehret