

PartListening Comprehension

Section A

F1: You'll be in Room 207. Here's your key, and I hope you enjoy your stay with us, Ms. Cook.

F2: Thanks. Oh, by the way, I'd like to get some information from you. You see, the conference I'm attending will be over early Wednesday, and I don't fly out until Thursday. Do you have any recommendations for sight?seeing?

F1: There's a great planetarium at our natural history museum.You might enjoy that.

F2: I don't know--I don't think I want to do that. The city I come from has a good planetarium.

F1: There are also some good art galleries downtown.?

F2: I'm more interested in doing something outdoors.?

F1: Oh, well, there's a beautiful waterfall called Crystal Falls not far from here.

F2: That sounds like something I'd enjoy seeing. How do I get there??

F1: Do you have a car, or will you be taking a bus??

F2: I rented a car at the airport.?

F1: Then just take Waterson Street west out of town and go about five miles. You'Il see a sign that says Crystal Falls. It' s a short walk from there.

F2: That sounds great. Thanks!?

Section B

5.W: What time does the ballet start??

M: At 8:30. We have 35 minutes to get there.?

Q: What time is it now??

6.W: How did your football team do last season??

M: We won three times, lost five times, and tied twice.?

Q: How many times did they tie??

7.W: Good afternoon, I'm Roseanne, your flight attendant. Welcome aboard.?

M: Hello. I've got seat A8. I hope it's by a window so that I can see the view.?

Q: Where did this conversation most probably take place??

8.M: Where did Suzanne come from??

W: She was born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden, but she's a citizen of England.?

Q: What country does Suzanne presently call her home??

9.W: Are you going to watch the movie on TV tonight??

M: No, I think I'll watch the soccer game and then the documentary on volcanoes.?

Q: Which is the first program the man is planning to watch?

10.M: What do you think of professor Conrad's class??

W: Well, his lectures are interesting enough, but I think he could choose more appropriate questions for the tests.?

Q: What does the woman NOT like about professor Conrad's class??

11.M: Nancy, why were you late for class this morning??

W: I overslept and missed the bus.?

Q: Why was Nancy late??

12.W: Aren't we supposed to have a science test this afternoon??

M: It was postponed because the teacher had to attend a conference.?

Q: What do we learn from this conversation??

13.W: Do you think I have a chance of proving my case??

M: Definitely, and we're going to sue for injuries as well.?

Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and woman??

14.M: Operator, I'd like to place a call to Athens, Greece. How much will it cost??

W: $9 for the first three minutes and $3 for each additional minute.?

Q: How much would a ten-minute call cost??

Section C

In 1942, Americans (15) ____won several important victories over the Japanese. The United States navy (16) ____defeated a powerful Japanese fleet near Midway Island. The United States was greatly helped in the Battle of Midway because (17) ____it had learned the secret code in which the Japanese sent messages. The United States knew (18) ____where the Japanese ships would be.?

Many hard battles were fought on land and on the ocean. The United States leaders in the Pacific, General Douglas MacArthur of the army and Admiral Chester Nimitz of the navy, (19) ____made a plan to defeat the Japanese. This plan was called "island hopping."?

The plan meant that the United States (20) ____would capture certain islands in the Pacific on which Japan had placed soldiers. Other Japanese?held islands would be passed by and (21) ____cut off from receiving food and supplies from Japan. At the same time, ships of the United States navy would fight Japanese warships wherever they found them.?

Each attack on an island held by the Japanese (22) ____resulted in a difficult battle. But the American forces (23) ____moved steadily closer to Japan. Finally, islands were captured that were near enough to Japan so that American planes could bomb the factories (24) ____that made war equipment.?

Section D

Indian summer is a short period of extremely fair weather and mild days in autumn. It comes in late October or early November while the leaves are changing color and falling from the trees. It has no definite day of beginning or ending.?The pleasant weather follows the autumn's first period of cold, wintry days. The days become warmer but the nights remain chilly. An Indian summer moon often has a soft yellow or orange hue. Indian summer lasts from a week to ten days and sometimes for two weeks. Then winter starts. Indian summer is caused by a large mass of warm tropical air. South winds carry these masses northward. The American Indian enjoyed Indian summer and called it a gift of a favorite God, Cautantowwit, the god of the southwest.?

Questions 25 to 27 are based on the passage you've just heard:

25.Which of the following can be understood from the passage??

26. What causes Indian summer??

27. What was NOT mentioned as a feature of Indian summer??

I'm Mr. Britain, the head librarian, and today I'd like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them. The first room on our tour is the reference room, where you'll find all sorts of reference materials: dictionaries, bibliographies, literature guides, even telephone books. You may use these books only in the reference room itself. The next room is the periodicals room, where you'll find various newspapers, magazines and academic journals. The current issues are usually directly available to you on the shelves. And you can get an older issue by filling out a slip for the librarian. These items must also be used in this room. This next room contains the card catalogs. All the library's books are listed here by title, by author and by topic. When you are looking for a book you must write the book's call number, title and author on these slips and present them with your library card at the desk. The books themselves are kept in the stacks, which are open only to graduate students, faculty members and library staff. Our library has over a million volumes in these stacks which cover five floors. If you have any further questions about using the library, I'd be glad to help you after the tour. Thank you for your attention.?

Questions 28 to 30 are based on the passage you've just heard:?

28. What is the main topic of this talk??

29. Who is probably listening to Mr. Britain??

30. Which people are usually not allowed to use the stacks??

Today I'm going to discuss transportation and communication in the earty 19th century in the United States. At that time, inland waterways provided North America's most popular form of long distance transportation. Travel by river was often more convenient than taking a wagon over primitive country roads, especially when shipping heavy loads of farm products or household goods. Where the natural waterways were inadequate, shallow canals were built. The Erie Canal, opened in 1825, connected the Great Lakes with the upper Hudson River. It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York City at the mouth of the Hudson at a much lower cost. From there, crops could be shipped to other Atlantic ports. The construction of the Erie Canal also encouraged westwardmigration along inland waterways and helped populate the frontier. The City of Detroit grew up between two of the Great Lakes. Later a canal joined the Great Lakes with the Mississippi river system and Chicago became a thriving city. Politically the waterway system united the nation in a way few had imagined possible.

By the mid-1800's faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined. Railroads could be used year round whereas canals were often frozen in the winter. During the first third of the century, however, transportation on rivers, lakes and canals aided greatly in the growth of the United States. Next week we'll discuss the railroads in greater detail.?

Questions 31 to 34 are based on the passage you've just heard:?

31. What is the main idea of this lecture??

32. When was inland waterway travel most popular??

33. What was usually transported from west to east??

34.What was NOT a result of the inland water system in the United States??


PartListening Comprehension



[详细解答]文中虽然听到了"art gallery"; "airport"; "conference";但针对问题,都没有足够的证据,而选项D有足够的证据,因为对话开头是"You will be in Room 207.Here is your key, and ...",所以D是正确的。?

2. 答案A。?


[详细解答]虽然对话主要谈的是旅游观光的事宜,但这并不是Ms Cook此行的主要目的,因为对话中Ms Cook说"the conference I am attending..."。所以A是正确答案。?

3. 答案C。?


[详细解答]细节题。ABD都没有足够的证据;C项是正确答案,因为Ms Cook说:"The city I come from has a good planetarium"。?

4. 答案 B?


[详细解答]几个选项乍一看比较混乱,但从所给材料来看应选B ,因为Ms Cook 说:"I rented a car at the airport";当被建议看到瀑布的标记时,可以步行一段路,Ms Cook说:"That sounds great." ?



【关键词语】83035minutes,to get there.?

【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题一定与时间有关,可判定为"when...?"或"what time...?",因此要特别注意对话中的时间。the woman回答说芭蕾830开始,但他们还有35分钟的时间,故可推断出此时为755,所以选A。?



【关键词语】won 3 times,lost 5 times,tied twice?

【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题一定与数据有关,可初步判定为"How many...",因此要特别注意对话中的数据。the man回答说他们赢了3次,输了5次,平了2次,故答案为C。?



【关键词语】flight attendant,welcome aboard?

【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题与地点有关,可判定为"where...",因此要根据对话中所暗含的内容来分析。the woman说"我是Roseanne,空中乘务员,欢迎登机",这就明显地说明此对话在飞机上发生,故答案为C。?



【关键词语】born in Switzerland and grew up in Sweden,a citizen of England?

【详细解答】从选项分析,此对话的问题与地点有关,因此可判定问题为"where..."或"which country...?"the womanSuzanne出生在瑞士,长在瑞典,但她现在是英格兰公民。因此答案为B。?



【关键词语】watch the soccer game,then,the documentary on volcanoes.?

【详细解答】the man回答说他今晚不看电视上播放的电影,但他首先要看足球赛,再看有关火山的记录片。故答案应为C。?



【关键词语】choose more appropriate questions?

【详细解答】the woman认为professor Conrad的讲座非常有趣,但她认为那位教授出的考题应该更合适一些。所以the woman所不喜欢的是professor Conrad所选择的那类考题,故应选D。?



【关键词语】overslept,missed the bus?

【详细解答】the woman回答说她今天早上睡过了头,又没搭上车,所以迟到了。因而答案应为A。?



【关键词语】postponed,attend a conference.?

【详细解答】the man回答说考试延期了,因为老师不得不去参加一个会议。并不是说老师把会议延期了。因而答案为B。?



【关键词语】proving my case,sue for injuries.?

【详细解答】从文中对话可听出proving my case,sue for injuries几个法律专用词汇,因而可判断两人与法律有关。再由选择中可判断出问题大致为"what's the relationship between the two people?"所以应选A。?



【关键词语】$9 for the first three minutes,$3 for each additional minute.?


15.【参考答案】 won several important victories?

【详细解答】 wonwin的过去式,victoriesvictory复数形式,注意severalsevere的拼写区别。?

16.【参考答案】 defeated a powerful Japanese fleet?

【详细解答】 注意Japanese中"J"大写,fleet意为舰队,defeat击败?

17.【参考答案】 it had learned the secret code?

【详细解答】 secret code密码,注意它的拼写。?

18.【参考答案】 where the Japanese ships would be?

【详细解答】 Japanese中"j"大写。?

19.【参考答案】 made a plan to defeat the Japanese?

【详细解答】 make a plan制定计划,这里make不为使动用法,故接带to


20.【参考答案】 would capture certain islands?

【详细解答】 capture夺得,占领,注意其拼写及发音。?

21.【参考答案】 cut off from receiving food and supplies?

【详细解答】 cut off意为切断,注意receivingreceive现在分词。?

22.【参考答案】 resulted in a difficult battle?【详细解答】 result in意为"导致"。?

23.【参考答案】 move steadily closer to Japan?【详细解答】 注意close发音为[?s],不为[?z]。?

24.【参考答案】 that made war equipment?

【详细解答】 注意equipment的拼写。?






【详细解答】文中谈到Indian summer is caused by a large mass of warm tropical air.South winds carry these masses northward,故应选C。?



【详细解答】文中谈到Indian Summer is a short period of extremely fair weather and mild days in autumn.A正确。后又谈到It has no definite day of beginning or ending.B也正确。从文中可知C也正确,故只有D项不能从原文中证实。28.答案A。?





【详细解答】文章开头就说"I'd like to introduce you to the facilities in our university library and show you how to use them."BD两项肯定知道如何在校图书馆查资料,可排除。而且后文中说"The books themselves are kept in the stacks,which are open only to graduate students,faculty members and library staff."可知应选C



【详细解答】文章中已说明The books themselves are kept in the stacks,which are open only to graduate students,faculty members and library staff."可知应选B。?



【详细解答】文中第二句话"Inland waterways provided North America's most popular form of long distance transportation."下文也谈到各条运河的开凿情况。故应选A



【详细解答】文中提到"到18世纪中期,铁路以快速,价廉的优势变得更为普遍,而水运则大不如从前了。""By the mid-1800's faster and cheaper railroads became more popular and the canal system declined."因此可推出答案应为C


【详细解答】文中提到"It allowed settlers in the Great Lakes region to send their crops eastward to New York city..."crops是一种农产品,应选A。?



【详细解答】文中提到"The construction of the Erie Canel also encouraged westwardmigration along inland water ways..."故D项可排除。后文又提到更为廉价和快速的陆运方式,故B也可排除。由于交通的便利,加快全国各地经济,文化的繁荣,故A也可排除,所以答案为C。??

PartReading Comprehension


文章标签:六级  模拟题