
Wealthy Chinese have been snapping up contemporary art, top wines and some the world's most expensive cars. Now they're adding pigeons to their must-have list.


A Chinese shipping magnate recently spent 250,400 euros ($328,000) for a Dutch pigeon, a new world record according to Pipa, the firm that ran the online auction.


These aren't your ordinary birds that eat scraps in the park but ones bred for the arcane sport of pigeon racing, which has a cult following in England, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and, increasingly, China.


The buyer, Hu Zhen Yu, runs Zhenyu Holding Group in Wenzhou. He told Pipa that he wants to 'focus more and more on the pigeon sport.' Zhenyu last year sponsored a pigeon race in Wenzhou that awarded 7 million yuan ($1.1 million) in prize money.


Pigeon racing has traditionally been a rural pastime, and the entrance of wealthy Chinese hobbyists is ruffling some feathers. The Telegraph quoted veterans of the sport complaining about the high bids and loss of the birds to another continent.

赛鸽在过去一直是一项乡村休闲运动,中国富裕爱好者的加入在这个圈子里激起了一定的波澜。据英国《电讯报》(The Telegraph)报道,有资深赛鸽人士抱怨鸽子价格太高、并且在向另外一个大洲流失。

'We must not forget pigeon racing is a simple sport to be enjoyed by all who wish to become involved for the right reasons,' Ken Ambler, a pigeon fancier who took up the sport 70 years ago, wrote in a comment on Pipa's auction announcement.

在Pipa宣布上述拍卖消息的文章后面,70年前开始从事赛鸽的爱好者安布勒(Ken Ambler)跟贴说,我们不能忘记,赛鸽是一项简单的运动,所有拥有恰当理由、愿意参加的人都应该享受。

Jason Chow