
Facebook Inc.'s move to the public markets will be accompanied by plenty of superlatives. But no aspect of the company is as exceptional as the age of its founder and chief executive, 27-year-old Mark Zuckerberg.

Facebook Inc.上市后,将会有一个又一个的新纪录相伴而来。不过,没有哪方面的新纪录会比这家公司27岁的创始人兼首席执行长马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的年龄更引人侧目了。

Mr. Zuckerberg will become the youngest CEO at a Fortune 1000 company once Facebook goes public, according to an analysis conducted for The Wall Street Journal by recruiters Korn/Ferry International.

人力资源咨询公司光辉国际(Korn/Ferry International)为《华尔街日报》进行的一项分析结果显示,一旦该公司成功上市,扎克伯格将成为财富1000强(Fortune 1000)企业中最年轻的首席执行长。

Only four executives under the age of 40 took command of Standard & Poor's 500 companies between 2004 and 2008, according to a study by recruiters Spencer Stuart. In 2010, the average age of incoming CEOs at S&P 500 companies was 52.9, down from 54.7 in 2006, the Conference Board, a business-research group, says.

根据人力资源公司史宾沙(Spencer Stuart)的研究,在2004年到2008年间,标准普尔500指数成份股中,企业领导者年龄不足40岁的只有四位。据商业研究机构世界大型企业研究会(Conference Board)称,2010年标准普尔500企业的时任首席执行长平均年龄为52.9岁,低于2006年的54.7岁。

The technology business has ushered a number of young executives into their company's top job in recent years, including 38-year-old Google Inc. CEO Larry Page. Eight of the 42 technology and Internet companies that held initial public offerings in the U.S. in 2011 were led by CEOs who were under 40 at the time, according to a review of data from capital-markets data firm Dealogic.

近年来,科技企业的不少年轻管理者纷纷成为企业掌门人,这其中包括谷歌公司(Google Inc.)现年38岁的首席执行长拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)。资本市场数据研究企业Dealogic的一份报告显示,去年在美国上市的42家科技和互联网公司中,八家企业的首席执行长上市当年的年龄不到40岁。

They include Andrew Mason of Groupon Inc. who was 30, and Spencer Rascoff of online real-estate site Zillow Inc. who was 35. Gary Wei Wang was 38 when Chinese online-video provider Tudou Holdings Ltd. went public last year.

这里包括Groupon Inc.的安德鲁•梅森(Andrew Mason),当时他30岁,以及当年35岁、执掌房地产信息网站Zillow Inc.的斯宾塞•拉斯科夫(Spencer Rascoff)。中国视频网站土豆网(Tudou Holdings Ltd.)去年上市时,该公司创始人兼首席执行长王微(Gary Wei Wang)也仅有38岁。

Their ascension is airing anew arguments about the value of youth in corporate decision-making. The debate typically pits the benefits of creativity and familiarity with emerging technologies against the need for disciplined decision making and experience dealing with hard times.


Management theorist Vivek Wadhwa argued in a recent essay that Silicon Valley's obsession with youth may help explain the venture industry's recent rash of poor returns. He drew that conclusion after studying more than 500 technology and engineering companies that had more than $1 million in sales and at least five employees.

管理学理论研究者维卫克•瓦德瓦(Vivek Wadhwa)在近期发表的一篇论文中表示,硅谷过于看重年轻的价值,这或许能够帮助解释为何近来风险投资行业内出现了大量回报不佳的投资案例。他在对500多家销售额超过100万美元且员工人数不少于五人的科技和工程技术企业进行研究后,得出了上述结论。

Mr. Wadhwa found that the average age of the founders of those successful companies was 39, and that twice as many founders were older than 50 as were younger than 25. Experience, he concluded, trumps youth more often than many believe. 'Age provides a distinct advantage,' he wrote.


Ben Horowitz of the venture firm Andreessen & Horowitz laid out the counterargument in a long post in 2010 on his firm's website. In it, he explained that he would prefer to bet on companies led by founders, who tend to be younger, because they are better at finding innovative products. They are worse than experienced CEOs at squeezing money out of those products, he conceded, but he argued that skill is easier to teach.

风险投资公司Andreessen & Horowitz的本•霍洛维茨(Ben Horowitz)于2010年在其公司网站上发了一篇文章,里面列出了相反的观点。他在文章中解释了他为何更愿意投资那些由年轻创建者管理的企业。他认为年轻人更善于发现有创意的新产品。他也承认,相对于有经验的CEO们,年轻人不大知道如何从这些产品中赚到钱。不过本认为,帮管理者掌握这个技巧相对要容易些。

James W. Breyer, a director of Facebook who works closely with Mr. Zuckerberg, said age matters less and less. 'Skills, passion, intensecuriosity and extremely high IQ are more important,' he added.

Facebook的董事、扎克伯格的亲密战友詹姆斯•布雷耶(James W. Breyer)说,年龄问题越来越无足轻重了。他补充道,"能力、热情、强烈的好奇心以及极高的智商更重要些。"

Once Facebook goes public, shareholders will also be focusing on Mr. Zuckerberg's maturity. The CEO's youth showed at times in the company's early years.


When users responded negatively to Facebook's 2006 launch of 'News Feed,' a product that aggregates all user activity and was likened to 'virtual stalking,' Mr. Zuckeberg, in comments on the company's blog that many saw as condescending, told users to 'calm down' and 'breathe.' He has since learned from those mistakes, apologizing to users after subsequent gaffes and assuring them he is committed to respecting their privacy.

Facebook在2006年曾推出一个将用户所有网上活动集合在一起、名为"News Feed"的产品,当用户对此产品作出负面反应后,扎克伯格在公司网站上发表了一篇博客,告诉用户要"平静下来"、"深呼吸"。这篇博客的用词让很多人感到一种居高临下的狂妄。自那以后,扎克伯格从错误中吸取了教训,在随后的失礼举动后,他向用户道了歉,并向人们保证他将致力于尊重用户的隐私。

A Facebook spokesman declined to comment.


Mr. Zuckerberg has tried to grow up in more obvious ways as well. He has traded in his trademark Adidas flip-flops for Brooks running shoes and put on a coat and tie when President Obama visited in April. From his earliest days in Silicon Valley, he has also sought introductions to more seasoned CEOs, including Intel Corp.'s Paul Otellini and Microsoft Corp.'s Bill Gates, for advice on how to run a company.

此外,扎克伯格还试图以更明显的方式让自己成熟起来。去年4月份当美国总统奥巴马(President Obama)造访Facebook总部时,扎克伯格把自己标志性的阿迪达斯夹脚凉鞋换成了布鲁克斯(Brooks)慢跑鞋,而且还穿上西服、打起了领带。早期在硅谷时,他还曾试图让人帮他引荐那些经验丰富的CEO们,这其中包括英特尔公司(Intel Corp.)的保罗•奥特里尼(Paul Otellini)和微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates),希望从他们那里得到关于如何经营好一家企业的建议。

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal in October, Mr. Zuckerberg said the biggest lesson he has learned from running Facebook for the past eight years is how to manage teams and incentivize employees. 'We're getting really good at figuring out what types of people are going to be able to do different types of things,' he said. 'That's not something I had any experience doing when we were scaling up from a company of 50 to 100 people to where we are now.'


The debate over youth at the top isn't limited to the technology industry. Michael Reger used $3 million raised from friends and family to cofound Northern Oil & Gas Inc. in 2006 at the age of 30. His plan was to drill for oil in the Bakken formationrunning under North Dakota and Montana. The field was on the fringes of the world oil industry at the time, but output soared the following year as scrappy wildcatters using new technologies cracked open vast oil reserves previously deemed too hard to tap.

有关年轻人能否执掌大权的争论不只限于科技企业。2006年,当时只有30岁的迈克尔•雷格(Michael Reger)用他从朋友和家人那里筹得的300万美元与他人合伙建立了Northern Oil & Gas Inc.。他的计划是在位于北达科他州和蒙大拿州的Bakken地层中开采石油。当时,该区域在全球原油行业中处于不受重视的地位,因为那里的石油开采难度过大,此前一直被视为畏途。不过随后一年,一些心有不甘的创业者利用新技术将那里的储油层发掘了出来,导致该区域的原油产量激增。

Mr. Reger's father strongly discouraged him from going ahead. He had seen the family's business leasing mineral rights flattened in the early 1980s. What Michael did 'was unheard of and too risky for us old-timers,' the elder Mr. Reger said. But the young executive, just seven at the time of the '80s oil bust, didn't have the same aversion to gambling.


'It turned out to be one of our greatest advantages,' Mr. Reger said of his youth. 'We had no fear about deploying our capital in the fields, because we had never been busted before by the oil cycle.'


Youth does bring its challenges. While Groupon's Mr. Mason was on a roadshow last fall asking investors to buy hundreds of millions of dollars in company stock, the picture on his Twitter account showed him in his boxer shorts and T-shirt gleefully unwrapping a Nintendo Wii videogame console.


Young CEOs often need help from more sober executives. Josh James was 32 when he took Web analytics company Omniture Inc. public in 2006. To cover gaps in his own experience, Mr. James brought in a seasoned sales executive who had managed $40 million in business and a chief financial officer who had run a company with $150 million in sales.

年轻的CEO们通常需要那些更持重的管理者的帮助。2006年,当乔希•詹姆斯(Josh James)将他的网站分析公司Omniture Inc.上市时,他只有32岁。为了弥补自身经验的不足,詹姆斯请来了一位经验丰富的销售高管和一位首席财务长。这位销售高管曾管理过价值4,000万美元的业务,而那位首席财务长过去则经营过一家销售额达1.5亿美元的公司。

Northern Oil recently hired its first employee over 40