
Last year, a giant hole appeared in Menlo Park, Calif.

去年,在加利福尼亚州的门罗帕克(Menlo Park)出现了一个巨坑。

Neighbors were told it was a foundation for a new house. But the pit was so large and deep that some wondered whether it was a subterranean condo complex rather than a home. When construction crews recently started hoisting huge steel beams on the property, residents grew more concerned.


The home, still under construction, is expected to be one of the largest in Menlo Park, stretching to over 9,200 square feet. With its futuristic glass and steel exterior, the mansion will mark a dramaticcontrast to the traditional shingled ranch homes and Spanish villas nearby.


It will also stand out because of its owner: Sheryl Sandberg, the high-profile Facebook COO and one of Silicon Valley's newest paper billionaires.

这座房子也会因为它的主人而引人注目:谢丽尔·桑伯格(Sheryl Sandberg),她是备受瞩目的Facebook首席运营长,也是硅谷最新涌现的以市值计算身家亿万的富翁之一。

'She can build whatever she wants to,' said Ron Shepherd, an insurance broker who lives nearby. 'But that kind of modern house just doesn't fit with the neighborhood.' By billionaire standards, Ms. Sandberg's mansion is nothing special and some neighbors don't mind it. Yet the house has quickly become a monument to the new, new money of social media, and it shows how today's IPO wealth is literally changing the Silicon Valley landscape.

家住附近的保险经纪人罗恩·谢菲尔德(Ron Shepherd)说,"她可以把房子盖成她自己要的样子,但是那种类型的现代化建筑与周围这一片地区不协调。"以亿万富翁的标准,桑伯格的房子没什么特别之处,一些邻居对其并不在意。不过,这座住宅已经迅速成为社交媒体最新财富的纪念碑,让人们看到今天的股票上市所带来的财富如何改变了硅谷的景观。

Facebook's offering, expected this spring, is likely to mint multiple billionaires and create hundreds if not thousands of new millionaires. The infusion of new wealth could pose new challenges to the company, known for its jeans-and-hoodie culture. 'We don't wake up in the morning with the primary goal of making money,' the company said in its IPO filing.


The IPOs of Zynga, LinkedIn, Groupon and other social-media companies have converged to form a wealth wave that, while more concentrated, is drawing comparisons to the dot-com boom of the late-1990s.

Zynga, LinkedIn, Groupon和其他一些社交媒体公司的上市汇集成了一股财富浪潮,与20世纪90年代末期dot-com公司的蓬勃发展极为相似,而这一次的浪潮集中程度更甚。

The sudden riches are already trickling down to everything from cars and jet charters to restaurants, ski trips and adventure treks in New Zealand.


Yet the most visible gains are in real estate. Home prices in parts of San Francisco and parts of Silicon Valley are soaring.


Yuri Milner, the Russian tech investor who put millions into Facebook, Zynga and other social-media companies, last year bought a $100 million mansion in Los Altos.

在Facebook、Zynga和其他一些社交媒体公司投资了数百万美元的俄罗斯科技行业投资者尤里·米尔纳(Yuri Milner)去年在洛斯阿尔托斯(Los Altos)购买了一栋价值1亿美元的豪宅。

Dick Breaux, who owns Peninsula Custom Homes, says he is working on four large new homes for clients in the tech industry. One is a 14,000-square-foot house in Hillsborough, which includes a guesthouse, an amphitheater and reflecting ponds.

Peninsula Custom Homes公司的老板迪克·布鲁肖(Dick Breaux)说,他目前承建了四个科技行业客户的大型住宅项目,其中一座位于希尔斯伯勒(Hillsborough)的宅邸占地14,000平方英尺(约1300平方米),里头有宾馆、一个圆形剧场和几处倒影池。

Architect Bob Swatt, of Bay Area firm Swatt Miers, says he is busier than usual with 10 homes that range from 6,000 to 9,000 square feet, six of which are under construction in Silicon Valley for clients in the tech field.

旧金山湾区(Bay Area)Swatt Mier公司的建筑师鲍勃·斯沃特(Bob Swatt)说他比平时忙得多,接手的10个住宅项目面积都是从6,000到9,000平方英尺(560至840平方米),其中六个正在硅谷建设,都是为科技行业的客户所建。

Menlo Park -- a city of 32,000 that is home to Facebook's new headquarters -- has received applications for construction for 15 new homes since August and has approved four applications for home demolitions.


Five of the homes under construction are more than 6,000 square feet. Most homes in Menlo Park, long known as a community of Stanford professors and young families, are around 2,000 to 3,000 square feet.


At Facebook, Ms. Sandberg is often seen as the 'adult supervision' of the company, imposingmanagementdiscipline and practical profit goals. The 42-year-old Harvard- and Harvard Business School grad rose from being an economist at the World Bank to working at the White House, as chief of staff for then-Treasury Secretary Larry Summers. In 2001, she became Google's vice president for online sales and went to Facebook in 2008.

在Facebook公司,桑伯格常常被人说成是公司的"成人监管",执行严格的管理纪律,制定务实的利润目标。这位现年42岁的哈佛大学(Harvard)及哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)毕业生从世界银行(World Bank)的一名经济学家逐步成长,到后来进入白宫,成为当时美国财政部长萨默斯(Larry Summers)的首席助手。2001年,她成为谷歌公司(Google)负责网络营销的副总裁,2008年加盟Facebook。

Ms. Sandberg may soon become one of America's richest self-made women. According to Facebook's IPO filing, she has more than 1.8 million Facebook shares and 39 million unvested options and restricted stock that could give her a net worth of more than $1.5 billion based on expected valuations of the company. Ms. Sandberg's husband, David Goldberg, is CEO of SurveyMonkey, an online survey company.

桑伯格可能很快就会成为美国最富有的白手起家的女人之一。根据Facebook的上市申请,她持有Facebook公司180多万股份份额以及3900万未分配期权和限售股票。以公司的预期估值推算,她的净资产会超过15亿美元。桑伯格的丈夫大卫·戈德堡(David Goldberg)是一家名为SurveyMonkey的网络调查公司的首席执行长。

Ms. Sandberg is actually downsizing. The family currently lives in a 7,120-square-foot home, with a 4,580-square-foot finished basement, bringing the total to almost 12,000 square feet, in the nearby super-rich town of Atherton. Ms. Sandberg frequently hosts dinners for Silicon Valley women at her home, with speakers such as Condoleezza Rice, Gloria Steinem and Michael Bloomberg. Last fall, she hosted a $38,500-per-plate fund-raiser for President Barack Obama at her home.

桑伯格这个新房子实际上是缩小了她家的规模。她家目前住在附近的艾瑟顿(Atherton)超级富人区,面积7,120平方英尺(660平方米),加上4,580平方英尺(430平方米)的地下室,总面积近12,000平方英尺(1115平方米)。桑伯格经常在家宴请硅谷的女士,以及康多莉扎·赖斯(Condoleezza Rice)、格洛丽亚·斯泰纳姆(Gloria Steinem)和迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)这样一些嘉宾。去年秋天,她在家为奥巴马总统(Barack Obama)举办了筹款晚宴,晚宴入场费为38,500美元。

In 2009, she and Mr. Goldberg bought the new property -- a 2,900-square-foot house with a little more than a half-acre -- in Menlo Park for $2.9 million, according to city records.


After going through necessary approvals, the couple tore down the existing house and started construction on the new one. City officials said the owners had permits to remove four trees, including a redwood.


According to plans filed with the city of Menlo Park, the house will have six bedrooms and six baths. The basement houses a wine room, gym, theater, office and guest bedroom. The first floor has a great room stretching over 800 square feet.


Menlo Park zoning rules limit the size of homes in different areas. On Ms. Sandberg's lot, the limit is 6,880 square feet of living space. By digging underground and building a 2,748-square-foot basement, which is excluded from the square-foot limit, Ms. Sandberg and Mr. Goldberg were able to get to 9,210 square feet -- and keep much of the house from public view. The house is 40% larger than Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's.

门罗帕克的区域规划条例对不同地域的住房面积规模有所限制,桑伯格家这块地的居住空间限制是6,880平方英尺(640平方米)。由于地下室不包括在面积限制之内,向下挖掘,建一个2,748平方英尺(255平方米)的地下室,桑伯格和戈德堡可以得到9,210平方英尺(855平方米)的居住面积──而且房子很大一部分在公众视线之外。这栋房子比Facebook首席执行长马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)家大了40%。

None of the neighbors interviewed said they had met or talked to Ms. Sandberg or Mr. Goldberg. And some have no problems with the Sandberg mansion. 'There is always construction on this street and their construction hasn't bothered us at all,' said Heather Frauenhofer, who lives nearby. 'It is modern, and there aren't other modern houses around.'

在被采访的邻居中,没有人声称碰见过桑伯格和戈德堡或与之交谈过。一些人对桑伯格家的豪宅建设并无异议。家住附近的希瑟·弗劳恩霍夫(Heather Frauenhofer)说,"这条街上一直都在修这修那,他们家修房子对我们根本没有影响。房子很现代化,这附近还没有其他的现代化住宅。"

Mr. Shepherd, the other neighbor, says he has nothing against new tech wealth. But he may be less tolerant of visits from the President.


'I'm not an Obama guy,' he said. 'And I would be pretty annoyed if our street is closed down for a bunch of Washington bigwigs.'


Robert Frank / Nancy Keates