
Jeremy Lin, the NBA journeyman who has produced three 20-point games for the New York Knicks, and who takes the court Friday against the Los Angeles Lakers, is doing something few athletes have ever done. He's getting Harvard all fired up.

林书豪(Jeremy Lin)正在做一件很少有哪个运动员做过的事。他令哈佛大学沸腾了。这位美国职业篮球联盟(NBA)球员在三场比赛中为纽约尼克斯队(New York Knicks)每场拿下20分,并将在周五对洛杉矶湖人队(Los Angeles Lakers)的比赛中成为场上的主角。

Lin, a 2010 graduate whose game runs on a mix of sneaky speed, fast-paced ballhandling and a mastery of the pick and roll, is one of only three Harvard players to reach the NBA.


He has emerged at a time when the school's men's team is ranked No. 25 in the nation and its games are sold out for the rest of the season. Since Lin cracked the starting lineup Monday, Harvard has seen a surge in media requests for basketball coach Tommy Amaker and a flood of traffic to clips of Lin on the school's YouTube page. Martin Kessler, co-chair of the Harvard Crimson's sports section, said three of the most-read stories on the paper's web site this week have been about Lin.

他崭露头角之际,正值哈佛大学男子篮球队在全美排名第25名,该队当个赛季剩余时间球票销售一空。自林书豪周一进入尼克斯队首发阵容以来,媒体请哈佛大学篮球教练阿玛克(Tommy Amaker)置评的请求大增,该校YouTube网页上林书豪的视频访问量激增。哈佛大学校报Harvard Crimson体育版负责人之一凯斯勒(Martin Kessler)说,本周该报网站上最热门的三篇文章都是有关林书豪的。

Since Saturday, Lin's Twitter followers have more than doubled. Ratings for Knicks games on MSG Network have jumped 36% since his first start. And in a Twitter post Thursday, Lin's former employer, Houston Rockets general manager Daryl Morey, wrote that the team should have kept Lin, but had 'no idea' how good he was.

上周六以来,林书豪在推特(Twitter)上的关注者已经增加了一倍以上。自他首次进入首发阵容以来,MSG Network电视台尼克斯队比赛的收视率上升了36%。此外,林书豪的前东家休斯顿火箭队(Houston Rockets)总经理莫雷(Daryl Morey)周四在推特上发文说,该队要是留下林书豪就好了,但当时他们不知道他有多棒。

'He's kind of an overnightsensation and I'm just following his progress,' said Ryan O'Byrne, a defenseman for the NHL's Colorado Avalanche and a Cornell alumnus. 'It's obviously a pretty compelling story.'

美国国家冰球联盟(NHL)科罗拉多雪崩队(Colorado Avalanche)防守队员、康奈尔大学毕业的奥布内(Ryan O'Byrne)说,他可以说是一夜成名,我将关注他的进步,这显然是个非常引人注目的故事。

'I watched SportsCenter, I saw his highlights,' said Harvard's Matt Birk, who plays center for the Baltimore Ravens. 'I thought, 'Right on!''

哈佛大学的伯克(Matt Birk)说,我观看了体育新闻节目SportsCenter,我看了他比赛的精彩片段。伯克在橄榄球队巴尔的摩乌鸦队(Baltimore Ravens)打中锋。他说,我想,这太棒了。

Lin's success, and the strong reaction to it, reinvigorates a debate that's been hanging over the Ivy League for decades: why does a group of schools that offers its students the best of everything in nearly every field muzzle its ambitions in sports?

林书豪的成功及其引发的强烈反响令一场数十年来一直困扰着常春藤盟校(Ivy League)的论战再次升温:为何这个在几乎各个领域都给学生提供最好条件的联盟却压制体育方面的宏图大志?

At several key points in the history of the eight schools now in the Ivy League, they have deliberately pulled away from the top levels of some of the most competitive forms of college sports. Basketball has suffered under this approach, but football has been the most stunted.


In 1981, the Ivy League was excluded from Division I-A, college football's premier classification, when other members voted to restrictmembership to schools that had 30,000-seat stadiums or had averaged 17,000 in attendance over the previous four years. The Ivies didn't contest the decision. Derek Bok, Harvard's president at the time, told The Journal in 2009 that it was 'clear that's not where the Ivy should be.

1981年,常春藤盟校被排除在大学橄榄球甲级球队Division I-A之外,当时其他会员投票表决,将会籍局限于有3万个座位的体育场或此前四年观众平均达1.7万的学校。常春藤盟校没有对这一决定做出抗辩。当时的哈佛大学校长博克(Derek Bok) 2009年对《华尔街日报》说,显然这不是常春藤盟校该呆的地方。

'If we have a bit of humility,' he added, 'we have to understand that nobody can be excellent at everything.'


Unlike most conferences, the Ivies don't offer conventionalathletic scholarships. They don't have a conference basketball tournament and they prohibit football teams from competing in postseason games. In its last TV deal, only eight football games in two years were televised.


'Much of the university personnel is very intellectual and rooted in academia and maybe there's not an appreciation for athletics,' said Craig Breslow, the Arizona Diamondbacks pitcher who went to Yale. 'They may be concerned that it's a slippery slope. You start to promoteathletics and you start to have some success and that starts to lead to a blurring of the lines or a compromising of standards.'

曾就读于耶鲁大学的亚利桑那响尾蛇队(Arizona Diamondbacks)投手布雷斯洛(Craig Breslow)说,大学里的管理人员大多数都偏向于脑力劳动,扎根于学术,可能对运动不是很热衷。他说,他们可能认为这会对学生的学业造成不良影响。先是在运动方面做宣传,然后取得一些成功,然后导致运动和学术界限模糊,学术水平开始下降。

The Ivies have had a string of high-profile successes in sports lately. Harvard's basketball team is on track to reach the NCAA Tournament for the first time since 1946. Two members of the Super-Bowl-winning New York Giants went to Ivy League schools and former Yale quarterback Patrick Witt, a transfer from Nebraska, has been invited to the NFL's pre-draft combine later this month.

最近,常春藤盟校在体育方面获得了一连串引人瞩目的成功。哈佛大学的篮球队1946年以来首次有望冲击美国大学生体育协会(NCAA)冠军奖杯;超级碗冠军得主纽约巨人队(New York Giants)的两名队员加入常春藤盟校;转会自内布拉斯加州的前耶鲁四分卫维特(Patrick Witt)已经获邀参加本月晚些时候举行的美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)的选秀前联合体测。

Former Ivy League athletes now in the pro ranks said Thursday they're happy for Lin, and they offered some suggestions about how the league could expand its ambitions in sports, the way top schools like Duke and Stanford have, without endangering its academics.

现已参加职业比赛的前常春藤运动员周四说,他们为林书豪感到高兴,并且他们为常春藤如何在运动场上施展抱负提出了一些建议,就像杜克大学(Duke University)和斯坦福大学(Stanford University)这种顶尖学校采取的方式一样,而且不会对学校的学术成就造成影响。

O'Byrne, the former Cornell defenseman, said the Ivy League should start its hockey season earlier. As it stands, O'Byrne said, the shorter season is 'a little limiting, and I think they could extend it a little bit for sure.'

前康奈尔大学(Cornell University)后卫奥布内说,常春藤盟校应该早一点开始曲棍球赛季。他说,按照现在的情况,赛季缩短会带来一些限制,而且我认为完全可以将其稍微延长。

Breslow, the former Yale pitcher, said he thinks there are a lot of good athletes who have the means to pay for an Ivy League education