
Followers of Google in recent years have wondered why the company was developing two separate computer operating systems--Android and Chrome--and whether the technologies behind them would converge.


On Tuesday they did. Google announced that people who own devices powered by the latest version of Android, called Ice Cream Sandwich, can now use Chrome to surf the Web. Previously, people who owned such Android devices had to use the Android Web browser to do so.

周二,这两种系统的技术真的融合了。谷歌宣布,搭载最新版安卓操作系统"冰淇淋三明治"(Ice Cream Sandwich)的移动设备的用户如今可以使用Chrome浏览器来浏览网页。此前,这类用户必须使用安卓网络浏览器来浏览网页。

Android, which powers mobile devices such as smartphones and some tablets, was launched in 2008 and now rivals Apple's iPhone . Chrome was launched the same year as a Web browser for PCs that competes with Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Chrome also has quickly gained market share , thanks in part to its reputation for fast page loads.


Last year Google unveiled ChromeOS, an operating system derived from its browser technology and designed to run only Web-based software. The company is offering 'chromebooks,' or laptops powered by ChromeOS, to businesses and students.


'Like the desktop version' of Chrome, the version for Android devices 'is focused on speed and simplicity, but it also features seamless sign-in and sync so you can take your personalized web browsing experience with you wherever you go, across devices,' wrote Sundar Pichai, who leads Google's Chrome team, in a post on the company's blog on Tuesday.

谷歌Chrome团队负责人皮查伊(Sundar Pichai)周二在该公司博客中说,和电脑版Chrome一样,安卓版Chrome浏览器也强调速度和操作简单,但同时还具备无缝登录和同步功能,这样,无论你走到哪里、使用哪种设备,都可以享受个性化的网络浏览功能。

Google had given hints about such moves. Chairman Eric Schmidt said last year that 'we're working over time to get those technologies merged in the right way.'

谷歌此前曾暗示会有这样的举动。谷歌董事长施密特(Eric Schmidt)去年说,我们将逐渐以适当的方式将这些技术融合。

Chrome is now available through the Android Market for mobile apps but only on newer devices such as the Galaxy Nexus or Xoom tablet. The vast majority of Android devices won't have access to Chrome.

目前,安卓版Chrome可以在安卓软件网络商店Android Market上获得,但只能用于Galaxy Nexus手机或Xoom平板电脑等更新款的设备。绝大部分安卓设备都不能使用Chrome。

Lily Lin, a spokeswoman for Google, said the company was 'evaluating bringing Chrome to all platforms,' including Apple and Microsoft mobile devices.

谷歌发言人Lily Lin说,该公司正在就将Chrome用于各种平台进行评估,包括苹果和微软的移动设备。

Amir Efrati