
For all the contrarian investors, this may be the best evidence of a market top.


Nouriel Roubini, nicknamed Dr. Doom for accurately forecasting the 2008 financial crisis, is reportedly turning bullish on equities.

因准确预测2008年金融危机而被人冠以"末日博士"称号的鲁比尼(Nouriel Roubini)据说开始看好股市。

Roubini, who has stayed bearish even as markets have rallied sharply off the March 2009 lows, is changing his stance largely due to accommodative positioning by the Fed and ECB.


From CNBC.com:


'We're a believer; we're celebrating. We think the rally has legs,' explains Gina Sanchez, Roubini's director of equity and allocation strategy. (She is also a CNBC contributor.)

鲁比尼旗下公司负责股票和资产配置策略的主管桑切斯(Gina Sanchez)解释说,对于这一点,我们不仅坚信并为此欢庆,我们认为股市此轮回升是可以持续下去的。桑切斯也是CNBC的撰稿人。

She tells us that Roubini's firm currently recommends being overweight equities, playing cyclical areas of the market such astechnology. 'Also we'd take some tilts into staples and telecom to collect yield. And we'd also be overweight ag and livestock. Generally we'd take advantage of the risk rally.'


She topped off the forecast by adding that investors have months to make money.


Roubini reportedly believes the recent action by the Fed and ECB will continue to make equities an attractiveinvestment over the next few months.


On the flip side, Roubini doesn't expect the rally to last long. He thinks more pain will accompany the equity markets in the second half of 2012. He sees the S&P 500 ending the year at 1300, which would represent a 3.6% decline from current levels.


That's the Dr. Doom we know and love.


Steven Russolillo