
>网上流传甚广的"精选40句"在网上传来传去,一传得多,自然有些笔误及错误。大部份的转贴者都一时太过兴奋,没有全部看清楚,便贴了出来。别人再转贴,便把笔误一并转了去。得此把笔误及原有的错误改正,以便才学者对有些句子不明所以。(Note 1)

这四十句不是全部可用。有些(如 #21) 不是所有母语人士都会懂的。这四十句有些是英,美,俚语,但也有些是中式英语。不知是何人的收集。
(The Yeti. 写于 April 28,2006. 贴在雨巷英语园地的"学习交流板" (Learning Exchange of the Rainlane Treasure Island BBS:[url]http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=20626)[/url]

  Li ming is the black sheep of his family. 
  She's a natural crier. 
  He's really a law-down dirty shame.--> 笔误 low-down dirty shame. 
 (订正 written by Yeti 出自贴在雨巷英语园地的"学习交流板BBS:[url]http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=20626")[/url]

4.他可是个乐天派,整天无忧无虑的。  He's good-time Charlie, feeling no worries and anxieties. Yeti : "Good time Charlie" is an American Colloquialism, it means an affable, convivial fellow 友善的,好交际的人。Some other English speaking countries may or may not recognize this colloquialism.
5.论开车技术,不李和小王那真是不分上下。  In the skills of driving, Xiao li and Xiao Wang are neck and neck.
  修改--> When it comes to the skills of driving,...
  He had racked his brain.
  He's a brain. 
  Li ming has a lot on the ball. 
  The man you've just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer.  
10.他真的太没骨气了。  He really has no guts. 
11.昙花一现  A flash in the pan.
Yeti 注: Although often equated with  昙花一现, "A flash in the pan" actually means something that creates a lot of sensation but leads to no effective conclusion. See Quiz #34 [url]http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=27&ID=8538[/url], or [url]http://www.answers.com/topic/flash-in-the-pan[/url] or [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flash_and_the_Pan[/url]
  He doesn't know beans about insurance business at all. 
  The girl was brave enough, but as being outnumbered, she was finally knocked into the middle of next week by the gang. 
  He always likes to play a lone hand. 
  He got off on the wrong foot when he started doing it. 
精选40句订正,注, 及参考资料. 原创 by Yeti 出自贴在雨巷英语园地的"学习交流板。转贴请注明出自 [url]http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=20626[/url]
16.你还嫩点儿。  You're still wet behind the ears. 
17.她的饭量特别小。  She eats like a bird. 
Yeti 注: As a rule, birds are small and eat very little. The opposite is "She eats like a horse."
18.那个孩子的嘴特别硬。  That boy never says uncle.
Yeti 注:The Chinese translation is not entirely correct. To say (or cry) "uncle" is to yield or surrender. So it may or may not be just 嘴特别硬. See "Cry Uncle" Comics Quiz#9 [url]http://www.rainlane.com//dispbbs.asp?boardID=27&ID=6792[/url]  
19.我们队占上风。 Our team gained the upper hand. 
20.你中圈套了。  You rose to the bait. 
21.你骗不了我。  I'm from Missouri. 
Yeti 注: 这纯粹是美俚, 就算是在美国,都未必人人都懂. Missouri 州的口号是 "Show me". I.e. I won't believe it until you show me. Missouri is called the "Show-me State". For the story behind the slogan, read: [url]http://www.sos.mo.gov/archives/history/slogan.asp[/url]
22.见机行事  Play to the score.  Yeti 注: In North America, the expression most use is " Play it by the ear" or " Play by the ear."
There must be someone who had put him up to that.(正式:唆使=instigate) -->修改 Someone must have put him up to that.
 It's not that he doesn''t like to help, but that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is week。==> 笔误 week-->weak. "It's not that he is not willing to help,..." Yeti 注, "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" is a famous quotation from Goethe's Faust (浮士德与魔鬼) "The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak."

精选40句订正,注, 及参考资料.By Yeti 原创出自贴在雨巷英语园地的"学习交流板。转贴请注明出自 [url]http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=11&id=20626[/url]

25.事到如今,我们也只好听其自然了。  With things as such, we'll have to let things slide.(...have to let it slide. The word "things" has already been mentioned once.)
26.这几天不知是什么事把我搞得心烦意乱的。  I don't know what has set my nerves on edge these days.
27.让过去的事过去吧,我们还是好朋友。  Lit bygones be bygones. we are still friends. 笔误 Lit->Let
28.昨天晚上好险哪。 老板同一个女职员在办公室动手动脚的,差一点儿让他的妻子给撞上。
  The boss hasd 笔误->(had a ) narrow squeak last night in his office(,)=>(;)(run-on sentence) his spooning with a (girl)->female clerk was almost found out by his wife.

29.这场旱灾是百年不遇的。  This draught occurs once in a blue moon.

30.算了吧。  i's call it quits.--> 笔误 Let's call it quits.

(Next 10 are in the box below)

[[i] 本帖最后由 TheYeti 于 2006-8-31 22:18 编辑 [/i]]

  • speaking [´spi:kiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.说话 a.发言的 六级词汇
  • apology [ə´pɔlədʒi] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.道歉(的话);辩解 四级词汇
  • slogan [´sləugən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.标语;口号 六级词汇

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