
Losing weight is simple: Eat less and exercise more. Why that's so difficult for so many people is embedded deep in the human psyche.


A growing body of research is finding intriguing connections between personality traits and habits that can lead to obesity. The same parts of the brain that control emotions and stressresponse also govern appetite, several studies have shown. Early life experiences also set the stage for overeating years later, researchers have found.


'If we can understand how personality is contributing to weight gain, we can develop interventions to help people deal with it,' says Angelina R. Sutin, a researcher at the National Institute on Aging who led a study published last year comparing the body mass index, or BMI, and personality traits of nearly 2,000 Baltimore residents over 50 years.

美国国家老龄化研究所(National Institute on Aging)的研究员苏丁(Angelina R. Sutin)说,如果能够知道个性是如何影响体重的增加的,我们就能制定干预措施,帮助人们应对体重增加问题。苏丁领导的一个研究项目对近2000名巴尔的摩市居民50年的体重指数(BMI)和个性特征进行了比较。该项目的研究成果已于去年发表。

In the study, those who scored high on neuroticism -- the tendency to easily experience negative emotions -- and low on conscientiousness, or being organized and disciplined, were the most likely to be overweight and obese. Impulsivity was strongly linked to BMI, too: The subjects in the top 10% of impulsivity weighed, on average, 24 pounds more than those in the lowest 10%. People who rated themselves low on 'agreeableness' were the most likely to gain weight over the years. The study was published in July in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

此项研究发现,神经质(容易产生负面情绪的人格特征)得分高和尽责性(或有序、自律)得分低的人最可能体重超标和肥胖。冲动性人格与体重指标的联系也非常紧密:平均来看,冲动性得分最高的那10%的人比冲动性得分最低的10%的人重24磅。"随和性"自我评估得分较低的人的体重最可能逐渐增加。此项研究于去年7月发表在《个性与社会心理学杂志》(Journal of Personality and Social Psychology)上。

The link between emotions, food and weight control starts at a very early age. Toddlers who had low-quality emotional relationships with their mothers are more than twice as likely to be obese at age 15 as those who have closer bonds, according to a study of 977 children funded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and published in the journal Pediatrics this month.

情感、饮食与体重控制之间的联系在人们很小的时候就已经开始生根发芽了。尤尼斯•肯尼迪•施莱佛美国国家儿童健康与人类发育研究所(Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development)资助的一项针对977名儿童的研究显示,相比在婴幼儿时期与母亲建立了良好情感纽带的孩子,在婴幼儿时期未能建立这种情感纽带的孩子成长到15岁时,变肥胖的概率要高出一倍以上。此项研究1月发表在儿科医学杂志Pediatrics上。

Diet coaches, nutritionists and cognitive-behavioral therapists have long warned against eating for emotional reasons and urged people who overeat to identify eating triggers.


'Is there anybody who doesn't know that broccoli is better for you than a Big Mac?' asks Renee Stephens, a San Francisco weight-loss coach and author of a new book, 'Full-Filled.' 'What's important is identifying what's going on in our heads and what we're using the food for.' Otherwise, any diet is bound to fail, she says.

旧金山减肥教练、新书Full-Filled的作者斯蒂芬斯(Renee Stephens)问道:"谁会不知道花椰菜比巨无霸对自己身体更好呢?关键的是弄清楚我们脑子里在想什么、吃东西是为什么。"她说,否则任何节食计划都注定不会成功。

Untangling emotions about food may seem daunting, but some therapists say it can be effective in the long run.


'You don't have to change your whole personality. You just need to change your thinking, which allows you to change your behavior,' says Judith S. Beck, president of the Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy in Bala Cynwyd, Pa.

位于美国宾夕法尼亚州BalaCynwy的贝克认知行为治疗研究所(Beck Institute for Cognitive Behavior Therapy)的所长贝克(Judith S. Beck)说,人们不必彻底改变自己的个性,只需改变想法,行为就会随之改变。

Several personality traits and behavior patterns set people up for weight gain, sometimes without their knowledge:


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