
Nominations for the 84th Academy Awards were dominated by 'Hugo' and 'The Artist,' movies that pay homage to the early days of movie-making, using vastly different filmmaking techniques.

84届奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Awards)提名揭晓,《雨果》(Hugo)和《艺术家》(The Artist)成为大热门。这两部电影都是向电影制作早期阶段致敬的影片,但两者所用的手法大相径庭。

'Hugo,' a fantasy-tinged 3-D family film from director Martin Scorsese, led the field with 11 nominations. 'The Artist,' a mostly silent, black-and-white film about the transition to movies with sound, had 10.

《雨果》是一部带有奇幻色彩的3D家庭电影,由马丁•斯科塞斯(Martin Scorsese)执导,以11项提名傲视群侪。《艺术家》则基本上是一部黑白默片,讲述的是默片向有声电影过渡的年代发生的故事,该片获得了10项提名。

In an interview Tuesday morning, producer Graham King called 'Hugo' 'the movie I'm most proud of in my career.' He added: 'I really have to take my hat off to Marty for not just the technicalaspect but making a genre-defining film.'

《雨果》的制片人格雷厄姆•金(Graham King)本周二在接受采访时说,这部影片是他职业生涯中最引以为豪的电影。他还补充说,我真的必须向马丁致敬,他不仅在技术方面做得出色,而且还制作了一部真正意义上的类型电影。

Thanks to a revamped nomination process for best picture, nine films were nominated for the top honor, down from 10 in the previous two years. The Academy still achieved the kind of breadth it sought when expanding the category from the earlier five nominees. In addition to 'Hugo' and 'The Artist,' best picture nominees ranged from commercial hits to arty films that attracted only small audiences. The list included 'The Descendants,' 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close,' 'Moneyball,' 'The Help,' 'Midnight in Paris,' 'The Tree of Life' and 'War Horse.'

由于最佳影片提名过程进行了修改,今年有九部影片获得了这一最高奖项的提名,而前两年获得这一提名的影片都有10部。美国电影艺术与科学学院依然实现了扩展最佳影片提名(最初为五部)以增加广度的初衷。除《雨果》和《艺术家》外,获得最佳影片提名的影片从商业大片到小众的艺术片无所不包,名单如下:《后裔》(The Descendants)、《特别响,非常近》(Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close)、《点球成金》(Moneyball)、《帮助》(The Help)、《午夜巴黎》(Midnight in Paris)、《生命之树》(The Tree of Life)和《战马》(War Horse)。

The number of nominations for 'Hugo' and 'The Artist' overshadowed their rivals. 'Hugo' had 11, including best director for Mr. Scorsese and several for technical elements like visual effects and cinematography. 'The Artist' had 10, including best actor for Jean Dujardin.

《雨果》和《艺术家》获得提名的数量令其它竞争对手黯然失色。《雨果》获得了11项提名,其中包括最佳导演奖(斯科塞斯)和几个技术方面的奖项,比如最佳视觉效果奖和最佳摄影奖。《艺术家》获得了包括最佳男主角奖(让•迪雅尔丹(Jean Dujardin))在内的10项提名。

'Moneyball' and 'War Horse' received six nominations apiece, while 'The Descendants' and 'The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo' got five. 'Dragon Tattoo' was not nominated for best picture, but did land a best actressnomination for star Rooney Mara. -By Ethan Smith, The Wall Street Journal

《点球成金》和《战马》分别获得了六项提名,《后裔》和《龙纹身女孩》(The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo)分别获得了五项提名。《龙纹身女孩》虽然没有获得最佳影片提名,但却为影星鲁尼•马拉(Rooney Mara)赢得了最佳女主角奖提名。

Ethan Smith
