
Coca-Cola Co. (KO) said Wednesday it alerted federal regulators that Brazilian orange growers were using a fungicide not approved for use in the U.S.

可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)周三说曾向美国联邦监管机构提出警告,说巴西甜橙种植者使用的一种杀真菌剂在美国未经批准。

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said in a letter on Monday that a juice company reported to the agency that it found low levels of the chemical in its juice and in its competitor's products.

美国食品和药物管理局(U.S. Food and Drug Administration)在周一的信函中说,该局接到一家果汁公司的报告,后者称在自己及竞争对手的果汁产品中发现了少量杀真菌剂。

'As a responsible company, we always strive to do the right thing and comply with all laws and regulations, so when we discovered that Brazilian growers had sprayed their trees with a fungicide that was not registered for use in the U.S., we quickly notified the U.S. Food and Drug Administration of our findings,' Coca-Cola, the maker of Simply and Minute Maid juice brands, said in a statement. 'We expect any responsible company would have done the same. This is an industry issue that affects every company that produces products in the U.S. using orange juice from Brazil.'

可口可乐发表声明说,作为一个负责任的公司,我们一贯坚持做对的事情,并遵守所有的法律法规,因此当我们发现巴西种植者给果树喷洒的一种杀真菌剂在美国并未经过注册时,我们迅速把这一情况通报给了美国食品和药物管理局;我们认为,任何负责任的公司都会采取这种做法。这是一个行业问题,关系到每一个使用产自巴西的甜橙在美国进行产品生产的公司。Simply和美汁源(Minute Maid)这两个果汁品牌为可口可乐公司所有。

Leslie Josephs