
Earlier this semester, college senior Leah Nelson emailed one of her instructors to ask for extra time to complete a paper. 'I have been going through a rough patch lately and am making the decision to take care of myself this week,' Ms. Nelson wrote. Her mental health, she continued, would 'take priority over everything else.'

Ms. Nelson, a 21-year-old student at the University of Connecticut in Storrs, struggles with depression. Her symptoms often flare when exams and papers pile up. She says the timing of a suicide attempt in March of 2010, when she took an overdose of Tylenol, was influenced by the pressure of the three exams and paper due she had that week.

学期早些时候,大四学生莉亚•尼尔森(Leah Nelson)给她的一位指导老师发了封电子邮件,要求延期完成一篇论文。尼尔森在邮件中写道,"我最近一直情绪低落,因此决定在这个星期好好照顾自己。"她接着表示,她的精神健康,"比任何其他事情都来得重要。"

Ms. Nelson is one of a growing number of college students asking for wiggle room with their academic workloads due to mental health issues.

今年21岁的尼尔森是康涅狄格大学(斯托斯)(University of Connecticut in Storrs)的一名学生,她一直在和抑郁症作斗争。每当考试和写论文的任务堆积在一起时,她的症状通常都会加剧。她说2010年3月她服用过量泰诺(Tylenol)想要自杀,就是因为那个星期的三场考试和论文引起的压力所致。

In some cases, students make direct pleas to professors. In others, students work through their university's disability office to receive official academic 'accommodations.' These can include extra time for exams, the opportunity to take tests in a quiet room, or flexibility with class attendance and assignment deadlines.


Schools are required to extend 'reasonable accommodations' for students with documented disabilities-including psychological ones-to comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act.


But there's hand-wringing among university administrators and faculty about how to support college students with mental health issues while making sure young adults progress academically. One of the goals of college, after all, is to prepare students for the working world. And not every boss may be OK with a blown deadline for a criticalclient report, no matter the reason. Professors also want to make sure they're being fair to all students.

根据《美国残疾人法案》(Americans with Disabilities Act),学校必须对记录在案的残障学生提供"适度通融"──其中包括有精神障碍的学生。

'There's the danger that we take too much care and when they hit the real world that same kind of support isn't there,' says David Cozzens, dean of students and associate vice president of student affairs at the University of Wyoming in Laramie.


Some formal accommodations, like additional test time, are fairly standard across universities and apply to students with physical and learning disabilities, too. But, schools diverge widely on formal accommodations for flexibility with assignment deadlines, class attendance and participation. Some schools leave it up to individual instructors. Others intervene more directly on students' behalf.

怀俄明大学(拉腊米)(University of Wyoming in Laramie)教务长兼负责学生事务管理的副校长大卫•科森斯(David Cozzens)表示,"危险在于,我们在学校里对他们过于照顾,但当他们进入到真正的社会以后却得不到同样的帮助。"

Schools say they are seeing a rise in the number of students registering with their disability offices due to psychological problems. At Pace University in New York, the number of requests for accommodations from students with disabilities related to psychological disorders tripled in the last three years.


At the University of Texas at Austin, 33% of the 1,687 students that registered with the disability services office during the spring 2011 semester listed psychological problems as their 'primary' concern. In the spring of 2008, only 23% out of 1,175 did. (The increase was due, in part, to a procedural change that routed more students to the disability office.)

学校表示,他们发现越来越多的学生因为心理问题到学校的残障学生服务办公室进行了登记。在佩斯大学纽约城校区(Pace University in New York),由于心理障碍而要求学业通融的学生数量在过去的三年里增长了两倍。

Colleges say they're seeing more students on campus with psychiatric illnesses. About 11.6% of college students were diagnosed or treated for anxiety in the last year, and 10.7% were diagnosed or treated for depression, according to a survey of more than 100,000 students at 129 schools conducted by the American College Health Association. Many mental illnesses, particularly depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, emerge during late adolescence.

在德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校(University of Texas at Austin),2011年春季学期共有1,687名学生在残障服务办公室进行了登记,其中33%的学生将心理问题列为他们的"首要"问题。而在2008年春季学期,有1,175名学生进行了登记,其中23%将心理问题列为"首要"问题(造成这一增长的部分原因是程序上出现了变化,这导致了更多学生到残障服务办公室登记)。

Psychiatric disorders like depression and anxiety can have serious academic consequences because they affect concentration, sleep and cognitive processing, say mental health professionals.

校方称,他们看到越来越多的在校生患有精神疾病。按照美国大学健康协会(American College Health Association)对129所学校超过10万名学生进行的调查,大约有11.6%的大学生去年被诊断为或者接受了焦虑症的治疗,另外还有10.7%的学生被诊断为或接受了抑郁症的治疗。很多精神疾病,特别是抑郁症、躁郁症和精神分裂症,会在青春期后期出现。

It's unclear why the incidence of psychiatric disorders appears to be rising among college students. Better medications and treatments are likely making it possible for more young adults with even serious mental illnesses to attend college. Many schools have launched programs to identify students with psychological problems and get them into counseling. Student-advocacy groups like Active Minds Inc., an organization with chapters on 325 campuses, are trying to reduce the stigma around having a mental illness.


Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., has developed an extensive suicide-prevention program and a comprehensive disability services office. But it is pulling back on how involved it gets in student-faculty negotiations not covered by the office.

大学生患精神疾病的人数不断攀升的原因还不得而知。更好的药物和治疗很可能会帮助那些即使是患有严重精神疾病的年轻人实现自己的大学梦。很多学校已经启动了有关计划,确认存在精神问题的学生并且为他们提供咨询服务。Active Minds Inc.(该团体在325所校园设有分部)等学生团体正在努力地减少精神疾病给学生们带来的伤害。

Over the last several years, the counseling center has stopped issuing dated 'verification of visit' notes. Too many students were making appointments just to get the notes to provide proof of why they missed class or failed to turn in an assignment, says Greg Eells, director of counseling and psychological services. (The school's health center stopped giving notes for medical appointments, too.)

位于纽约州伊萨卡的康奈尔大学(Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y)已经制订了涵盖范围广泛的防自杀计划,而且还成立了残障学生全面服务办公室。但是,学校在该办公室不涉及的学生和教师协商问题上的参与程度却有所降低。

'It was just not a good use of the university's resources,' says Mr. Eells. But professors pushed back. 'The faculty wants us to be a detective to see if the student is telling the truth. That's not our job,' he says.

过去几年来,该校咨询和心理服务中心已经停止出具标注有日期的"到访证明"。咨询和心理服务中心主任格雷格•爱尔斯(Greg Eells)表示,太多的学生进行预约,目的却只是拿这份证明说明自己为什么没有上课或者没能按时交作业。(同样,该校的健康中心也停止了对学生们的医疗预约出具书面证明)。

If students complain of psychological problems, some faculty members will send them to the disability services office to avoid having to determine what's a serious issue versus what's a gloomy day. Then, 'the instructor isn't having to make decisions on something they're not equipped to assess,' says Steven Barrett, a professor of electrical and computerengineering at the University of Wyoming.


In the fall of 2010, Amy Goodnough, now a senior at the University of Vermont, started experiencing severe insomnia and excess energy. Some mornings, she couldn't get out of bed. Eventually diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Ms. Goodnough withdrew from one class, took an incomplete in another and appealed directly to other professors to turn in some assignments late. 'It was difficult to know day to day what my energy would be like,' Ms. Goodnough, 21, says. 'I kind of crawled through the end of the semester.'

如果学生们自称有心理问题,一些老师就会把他们送到残障服务办公室,从而避免去判断学生是的确存在严重的问题呢还是仅仅只是这一天心情不佳。怀俄明大学电子和计算机工程学教授史蒂文•巴雷特(Steven Barrett)表示,这样,"老师们就无需对他们不具备评估条件的东西作出判断了。"

Before the spring term, she registered with the university's disability services office and received letters to take to her professors stating that she be allowed 'limited' flexibility with attendance and deadlines. Without those accommodations, 'I don't think I could have stayed in school,' that semester, she says. Now getting effective treatment, Ms. Goodnough has not needed the flexibility this term and has a 3.9 grade-point average.

现在是佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)四年级学生的艾米•古德诺(Amy Goodnough)从2010年秋天开始受到严重的失眠症和精力过剩的困扰。有时候,她早上都起不了床。在最终被诊断为患上躁郁症以后,古德诺放弃了一门课,还有一门半途而废,并且直接请求其他课程的教授允许她晚一点交作业。21岁的古德诺说,"很难知道我每一天的精力状况会怎么样。我差不多是连滚带爬地度过了那个学期。"

Schools say they can't require faculty to adjust deadlines or attendance policies. And in some courses, like science labs and speech classes, participation is critical, but schools can push instructors to compromise with students.


Students with mental illnesses 'don't know when the symptoms will happen, when they might be incapacitated,' says Laurel Cameron, the director of ACCESS, the University of Vermont's disability services office. Even with a letter giving a student flexibility with deadlines and attendance, students are required to negotiate with each instructor at the beginning of the semester. They need to devise a plan, for example, of when to notifyfaculty of an absence and a timetable for making up work.


To help students prepare for those discussions, Ms. Cameron says she and her staff will role-play with students, taking on the tone of a skeptical professor.

佛蒙特大学残障学生服务办公室ACCESS的主任劳蕾尔•卡梅伦(Laurel Cameron)表示,患有精神疾病的学生"不知道什么时候会犯病,或者什么时候自己会变得无力完成正常学业。"即便是拿到了允许自己在交作业期限和到课情况享受灵活安排的函件,学生也必须在学期开始之初与每一位任课教师进行协商。他们需要制定一份计划,比如什么时候通知教师会缺课并且为补交作业列出时间表。

Kim Larrabee, a faculty member at UConn and the instructor Ms. Nelson emailed for an extension, says she has a 'sense of intuition of sincerity,' when students approach her for flexibility with academic work. And she considers how committed the student has been so far to the course. She gave Ms. Nelson an extra 10 days to finish her paper.


'I think your decision to take care of your needs shows maturity and commitment,' Ms. Larrabee wrote in an email replying to Ms. Nelson's request. Ms. Nelson got an A on the paper.

金•拉瑞比(Kim Larrabee)是康涅狄格大学的一名教师,也就是尼尔森发电子邮件要求延期交论文的那位指导老师。她说,当有学生向她提出希望更加灵活地完成学业的请求时,她"直觉上会感到这是学生出自真诚的要求"。而且,她也会考虑那名学生一直以来是多么投入地钻研这门课程。她同意尼尔森延期10天完成论文。

Andrea Petersen

