
Allison Tan never thought of herself as a stalker. Yet there she was on a recent Saturday, following a man to his car. Her goal: his prime parking spot.

艾莉森•谭(Allison Tan)以前从没想过自己会去尾随别人。但最近一个周六,她就尾随一个男人到了他的车旁,目的只有一个:等他把车开走,好得到他那个好车位。

'He was really nice about it,' says Ms. Tan, who was shopping with her boyfriend at Garden State Plaza in Paramus, N.J. 'He waved me over. It was only through the goodness of his heart that we found a parking space.'

当时她正跟男友到新泽西州帕拉莫斯(Paramus)的Garden State Plaza商场购物。她说,"他真是个好人。他招呼我过去。要不是他这么好心,我们很难找到一个停车位。"

Circling around a parking lot hunting for a space is one of most irritating experiences, especially this time of year. Truth is, though, there are usually available spots
