
Three adult children were leaning heavily on their parents. Two were unemployed, all lived in million-dollar homes, and each was receiving $30,000-a-month handouts from their 70-year-old retired parents.


Fed up and wishing their children would behave better, the parents enlisted the help of Nashville-based financial therapist Ted Klontz.

这对夫妇感到不胜其烦,由衷地希望子女们能够更自律一些,于是求助于纳什维尔市(Nashville)的理财治疗师特德•克朗茨(Ted Klontz)。

But instead of speaking to the children, Mr. Klontz, who has a Ph.D. in psychology, worked with the couple to get over their guilt about not having been better parents. In group therapy, in which some members played the role of the children, he had the parents tell the surrogate 'kids' what they felt guilty about and ask for their forgiveness.


He also encouraged the parents to meet with each child and tell them that starting in six months their subsidies would be reduced by 20% a month, and would stop completely after five months. The couple agreed to have their banker hold them to their commitment.


In the end, the subsidies stopped within a year. And although the children were at first angry and accused their parents of being selfish, they eventually realized their only option was to spend less and get a job, Mr. Klontz says.


Mr. Klontz is part of the growing field of financial therapy, which seeks in part to help clients understand the emotional triggers and experiences that may prompt them to make poor financial decisions. Financial therapy may help clients communicate better about money, uncover irrational financial fears and empower them to follow their adviser's recommendations. Mental-health professionals and financial advisers are both specializing in this area and sometimes team up to better serve clients.


'People aren't always rational when it comes to their financial decisions,' says Sonya Britt, president of the Manhattan, Kan.-based Financial Therapy Association, which was formed about two years ago and has about 300 members.

总部位于堪萨斯州曼哈顿(Manhattan)的理财治疗协会(Financial Therapy Association)的会长索尼亚•布里特(Sonya Britt)表示,涉及到理财决策时,人们有时会失去理智。理财治疗协会在大约两年前成立,目前共有约300名会员。

To be sure, not all financial advisers agree therapy should be a part of the planning process.


'We [certified financial planners] should respect the limits of our expertise,' says Buz Livingston, a Santa Rosa Beach, Fla., certified financial planner.

佛罗里达州圣罗莎比奇(Santa Rosa Beach)的注册理财规划师巴兹•利文斯顿(Buz Livingston)说,我们(理财规划师)应当承认自己在专业上的局限性。

And, since the field is so new, there isn't sufficient research to prove if it works or not, Ms. Britt concedes.


Still, proponents say there is plenty of anecdotal evidence to suggest financial therapy can be invaluable. After all, says Dan Danford, a Saint Joseph, Mo.-based certified financial planner, most clients walk through the door with 'financial baggage.'

但支持者表示,已经有很多间接证据表明理财治疗很有价值。来自密苏里州圣约瑟夫(Saint Joseph)的注册理财规划师丹•丹福德(Dan Danford)就表示,毕竟,大部分客户是带着"财务包袱"前来求助的。

Mr. Danford says for some older clients, Depression-era stories can be haunting. One woman shared how her grandparents had 'lost everything' in the Depression and she was afraid the same thing would happen to her.


The woman, who was in her early 70s, wanted to move her entire portfolio into cash, but Mr. Danford feared she might run out of money, given her health and life expectancy.


By encouraging the client to talk about the source of her fears and reminding her how her situation was different from that of her ancestors, Mr. Danford says he helped her see that many of her concerns were irrational. In the end, she decided to keep her small equity exposure.


Maggie Baker, a Philadelphia-based clinical psychologist who focuses on money issues, recently worked with a two-career couple whose spending habits were interfering with their marriage. The couple's money was in a joint account and neither could accept the other's financial choices. Each one wanted the other to change.

来自费城的临床心理学家、主要研究财务相关心理问题的玛吉•贝克(Maggie Baker)最近接触到一对双职工夫妇,他们的消费习惯已经影响到了他们的婚姻。这对夫妇共有一个资金账户,但二人谁也不能接受对方的理财习惯,都希望另一半做出改变。

'The wife was a saver and the husband a spender,' says Ms. Baker, who has a doctorate in psychology.


Ms. Baker helped them empathize with and recognize things they envied about their partner. Ms. Baker also encouraged the couple to create separate accounts and pay into a joint account for shared expenses.


The couple agreed. 'Now when he spends money, she doesn't care because her money is being saved, and he is happy because he's no longer being judged for what he wants to do,' Ms. Baker says.


Psychologist Marty Martin in Chicago, who holds a doctorate in psychology, often jointly counsels clients with financial advisers Michelle and Cicily Maton. When their clients consent, Mr. Martin will attend meetings, acting at times as communication coach or observer. If, for example, he notices a client seems frustrated or confused, he might ask a question the client could be embarrassed to ask.

另一位心理学博士、芝加哥的心理学家马蒂•马丁(Marty Martin)常常与理财顾问米歇尔(Michelle)和西斯丽•梅顿(Cicily Maton)一起为客户提供咨询服务。事先得到客户的许可后,马丁会参加与客户的会晤,有时协助沟通,有时充当观察员的角色。例如,如果他注意到某位客户看上去很焦虑或者很困惑,有问题又难以启齿,他就会替客户问出来。

For an overly anxious client, he might create a step-by-step action plan so the client can implement his or her adviser's recommendations more easily.


Rick Kahler, a certified financial planner in Rapid City, S.D., says he had an elderly couple who disagreed for years about their estate plan for their blended family. They disagreed about how much and when they should each leave money to their combined children.

南达科他州拉皮德城(Rapid City)的注册理财规划师里克•卡勒(Rick Kahler)表示,他接待过一对老年夫妇,因为是再婚组建的家庭,他们多年来一直对遗产分配计划争执不休。在对各自子女的财产分配比例和分配时间这个问题上,两位老人始终无法达成一致。

What they each wanted wasn't in their own best interest, Mr. Kahler adds. The husband wanted to leave everything to his wife upon his death, and then have his children inheritwhatever was left upon her passing. But the wife wanted to give his kids their inheritance upon his death, which would reduce what she would receive.


Eventually Mr. Kahler brought in a therapist to help. The couple quarreled for 90 minutes as Mr. Kahler and an assistant slipped in and out of the room to crunch numbers based on the couple's conflicting wishes.


The therapist got them talking about issues neither had been able to articulate clearly before