
Left-handers have been the subject of curiosity, stigma and even fear over the centuries. Researchers now, however, are recognizing the scientific importance of understanding why people use one hand or the other to write, eat or toss a ball.


Handedness, as the dominance of one hand over the other is called, provides a window into the way our brains are wired, experts say. And it may help shed light on disorders related to brain development, like dyslexia, schizophrenia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, which are more common in left-handed people.


Other recent research suggests that mixed-handedness-using different hands for daily tasks and not having a dominant one-may be even more strongly linked than left-handedness to ADHD and possibly other conditions.


About 10% of people are left-handed, according to expert estimates. Another 1% of the population is mixed-handed. What causes people not to favor their right hand is only partly due to genetics-even identical twins, who have 100% of the same genes, don't always share handedness.


More important, researchers say, are environmental factors-especially stress-in the womb. Babies born to older mothers or at a lower birth weight are more likely to be lefties, for example. And mothers who were exposed to unusually high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to give birth to a left-handed child. A review of research, published in 2009 in the journal Neuropsychologia, estimated that about 25% of the variability in handedness is due to genetics.


On average there is no significant difference in IQ between righties and lefties, studies show, belying popular perceptions. There is some evidence that lefties are better at divergent thinking, or starting from existing knowledge to develop new concepts, which is considered an element of creativity. And left-handed people have salaries that on average are about 10% lower than righties, according to recent research performed at Harvard University that analyzed large income data bases, although findings of some earlier studies were mixed.

研究显示,与大众的看法不同,习惯用右手的人和左撇子之间一般来说在智商上没有明显的差别。有一些证据表明左撇子更擅长发散性思维,或者由现有的知识引发出新的看法,这种能力被视作创造力的要素。根据哈佛大学(Harvard University)最近所做的研究,左撇子的人的工资收入比习惯用右手的人平均低10%,这项研究分析了大量的收入数据库。但是较早的一些研究所得出的结论则各有不同。

Left-handedness appears to be associated with a greater risk for a number of psychiatric and developmental disorders. While lefties make up about 10% of the overall population, about 20% of people with schizophrenia are lefties, for example. Links between left-handedness and dyslexia, ADHD and some mood disorders have also been reported in research studies.


The reasons for this aren't clear. Scientists speculate it could be related to a concept known as brain lateralization. The brain has two halves. Each performs primarily separate, specialized functions, such as language processing, which mainly takes place in the left hemisphere. There is lots of communication between the hemispheres.


Typically in right-handers, the brain's left side is dominant. But this tendency doesn't hold up with lefties, as scientists previously believed. Some 70% of lefties rely on the left hemisphere for their language centers, a key brain function, says Metten Somers, a psychiatrist and researcher who studies brain lateralization at Utrecht University Medical Center in the Netherlands. This doesn't appear to present problems, scientists say.

习惯用右手的人大脑的左侧一般处于支配地位,但是这种倾向并未像许多科学家之前以为的那样在左撇子身上得到证实。荷兰乌特勒支大学医学中心(Utrecht University Medical Center)的精神病专家、研究大脑偏侧性的梅滕•萨默斯(Metten Somers)说,大约70%的左撇子依赖左半脑作为他们的语言中心──大脑的关键功能。科学家们认为,这一点似乎并未表现出问题。

The other 30% of lefties appear to exhibit either a right-dominant or distributed pattern, Dr. Somers says. They may be more prone to impaired learning or functioning, and at greater risk for brain disorders, he says.


Hemisphere dominance is typical and more efficient. Symmetry, in which neither side is dominant, is believed linked to disorders, researchers say. People with schizophrenia, for instance, exhibit more symmetrical activation of their brain hemispheres than those without the disorder, studies show.


In a 2008 study, Alina Rodriguez, a psychology professor at Mid Sweden University in Östersund who studies handedness, brain development and ADHD, found that left- or mixed-handedness in children was linked to a greater risk of difficulty with language as well as ADHD symptoms. In another study published last year in Pediatrics, involving nearly 8,000 Finnish children, Dr. Rodriguez found that mixed-handedness rather than left-handedness was linked to ADHD symptoms.

在2008年的一项研究中,瑞典中部大学厄斯特松德分校(Mid Sweden Universityin Ostersund)的心理学教授爱丽娜•罗德里格兹(Alina Rodriguez)发现,左撇子或左右手分工的孩子更有可能出现语言困难及小儿多动症的症兆。罗德里格兹博士研究偏手性、脑部发育和少儿多动症,去年她发表在《儿科学》杂志(Pediatrics)上的另一篇研究论文包含了将近8000个芬兰儿童的调查资料,指出左右手分工的小孩比左撇子小孩更容易出现多动症的症状。

And knowing that a child was mixed-handed and had ADHD symptoms at age 8 helped predict much more accurately than just knowing they had symptoms at that age whether the child would continue to have symptoms at age 16. (What happens when people are forced to switch from writing with their dominant hand to the other isn't well known, experts say.)


One reason that not more is known about lefties is that many studies of how the brain works prohibit left-handers from participating because their brain wiring is known to be different, says Robin Nusslock, a psychology professor at Northwestern University in Evanston, Ill., who uses neuroimaging to study mood disorders.

伊利诺伊州埃文斯顿(Evanston)西北大学(Northwestern University)的心理学教授罗宾•奴斯洛克(Robin Nusslock)运用神经影像研究精神障碍,他说,人们对左撇子知之不多的一个原因是,许多有关大脑工作方式的研究没有将左撇子包括在内,因为人们认为他们的大脑线路有所不同。

A potentialpathway between prenatal stress and brain wiring could be cortisol, the body's main stress hormone, which can interfere with brain development, says Carsten Obel, a professor at the public-health department at Aarhus University in Denmark who has conducted research on the prenatal environment and risk of disease. Cortisol is able to pass over the placenta barrier to influence the baby.

丹麦奥尔胡斯大学(Aarhus University)公共卫生系教授卡斯滕•奥贝尔(Carsten Obel)就胎儿期环境和疾病危险进行了研究,他说,胎儿期的压力和大脑线路之间构成关联的可能途径是皮质醇,它是人体主要的压力荷尔蒙,可以妨碍大脑的发育。皮质醇可以突破胎盘的阻挡影响到胎儿。

Several studies show that stressful life events, such as the death of a loved one or job loss, during pregnancy increase the risk of having non-right-handed children. In one study of 834 Danish mothers and their 3-year-old children, Dr. Obel and his colleagues found that mothers who reported multiple stressful events during their third trimester of pregnancy and experienceddistress were more than three times as likely to have a mixed-handed child, 17% compared with 5%, according to the 2003 paper published in Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology.

几项研究显示,怀孕期间发生的压力大的生活事件,如亲人的去世或丢了工作,增加了生下非惯用右手小孩的机率。在一项对834名丹麦母亲和他们3岁大的孩子的调查中,奥贝尔博士和他的同事们发现,报称在怀孕第三期经历多种有压力的事情和烦恼的母亲生下左右手分工孩子的可能性是其他母亲的3倍多,即17%比5%,这项调查的论文于2003年发表在《发育医学与儿童神经病学》杂志(Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology)上。

Another large study followed 1,700 Swedish mothers and children until the kids were 5 years old. It found that mothers with depressive symptoms or who underwent stressful life events while pregnant were more likely to have left- or mixed-handed children. The work was published by Dr. Rodriguez and her colleagues in 2008 in the Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.

另一项大型研究跟踪了1,700名瑞典母亲及其孩子的情况,直到孩子们长到5岁为止。研究发现怀孕时有抑郁症状或经历了有压力的生活事件的母亲,更容易生下左撇子或左右手分工的孩子,这份报告由罗德里格兹和她的同事在2008年发表在《儿童心理学和精神病学杂志》(Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry)上。

Experts suggest that left- and mixed-handedness could be used as a risk factor for possible psychiatric or developmental conditions, along with behavioral difficulties, such as having a hard time in school. The presence of such risk factors could prompt early evaluation for those conditions, they say.
