
Google Inc. didn't enter the Web browser market until 2008, but its free Chrome software has already become the second-most-used in the world behind Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer.

谷歌公司(Google Inc.)2008年才进入互联网浏览器市场,但其免费的Chrome软件已成为使用量排名第二的浏览器,仅次于微软公司(Microsoft Corp.)的Internet Explorer。

Chrome moved past Firefox, an offering by the nonprofit Mozilla Foundation that Google has helped support, according to the website analytics company StatCounter.

网络分析公司StatCounter称,Chrome的市场占有率已经超过非盈利机构Mozilla Foundation开发的火狐(Firefox)浏览器,后者得到过谷歌公司的支持。

Google's success with Chrome, aided by the product's speed, underscores the shake-up in the browser market -- once considered all but locked up by Microsoft, which includes Internet Explorer with its Windows operating system.


'People have discovered there is a difference in browsers,' said Brad Mitchell Smith, an analyst at research firm Gartner Inc.

市场研究公司Gartner Inc.的分析师布莱德•史密斯(Brad Mitchell Smith)说,"人们已经发现,不同的浏览器各有各的特点。"

Browsers have become more important as more software development shifts to the Web and away from applications anchored to personal computers and their operating systems, like Windows. Google has used Chrome to push new Web technologies such as HTML5 that help websites have richer graphics, in hopes of spurring greater usage of the Web -- as well as Google's own websites and online software.


Google CEO Larry Page said earlier this year that while it might not be clear how Google can make money from Chrome, 'emerging high-usage products can generate huge new businesses for Google in the long run, just like search.'

谷歌首席执行长拉里•佩奇(Larry Page)今年早些时候说,虽然谷歌还不清楚如何通过Chrome赚钱,但"新出现的热门产品能在长期为谷歌带来巨大的新业务来源,这种作用就像研发一样。"

Google's effort to build a new browser, which started in 2006, was partly born out of concerns existing browsers would fail to support its Web services or steer users away from its search engine.


Chrome has gotten a boost from a rare advertising push by Google -- on everything from its search-engine home page to billboards to TV commercials in recent years.


Firefox, first launched in 2004, was the first to loosen the hold over the market that Internet Explorer attained in the late 1990s after eclipsing Netscape Communications Corp.'s browser. Google helped fund Mozilla and signed a deal to have the Google search engine built into Firefox, a deal that is still in place today, the Google spokeswoman said.

火狐于2004年面世。微软公司在20世纪90年代击败网景通讯公司(Netscape Communications Corp.)的浏览器后,一直牢牢把持市场主导地位,火狐的出现首次对这一垄断格局发起挑战。谷歌发言人称,公司曾为Mozilla的融资提供协助,并与其签署协议,将谷歌搜索引擎嵌入火狐浏览器,该协议至今依然有效。

'Firefox is holding its own in the face of increased competition, with hundreds of millions of users worldwide choosing a web browser that answers only to them,' a Mozilla spokeswoman said in a statement.


Microsoft recently introduced a revamp of Internet Explorer but has continued to lose some share. The company's browser had just over 40% of the global market in November, down from 56.6% two years earlier, according to StatCounter. A Microsoft spokeswoman said it had no comment on StatCounter's findings, but the company in a blog post said it is excited about other data showing rapid growth in usage for its newest browser, Internet Explorer 9.


In November, Chrome had a nearly 25.7% share of the global market, up from 4.7% two years earlier, according to StatCounter. Firefox had a 25.2% share in November, down from 32.2% two years earlier.


Other research firms show that Firefox still has a slight edge over the surging Chrome, and StatCounter data show Firefox is still No. 2 in the U.S.


Amir Efrati