


One evening there was a big dance at the hotel in our town. One of the guests at the dance was a man of about forty who thought he was so handsome that every girl who saw him. At the beginning of one of the dances(舞曲) , he saw a pretty young woman who was standing beside an

-older lady at the edge of one the dance-hall. He went up to the girl and asked her to dance. She knew that he was a good dancer, and as she too liked dancing very much, so she accepted.

After they had danced for a while, the man led her into the garden and said, do you tell your mother everything that you do? Of course not , She answered sweetly. She does not mind what I do now. but my husband always wants to know!

1. the man in this story considered himself ____

A. too old for dances. B. very kind to women C. a good singer

D. good-looking and his appearance could strike every girl

2. the forty-year-old man ____

A. never danced before B. was loved by every girl

C. liked to dance and danced well D. danced with the old lady

3. The pretty young woman _____

A. went to the dance with her mother B. was at the dance with her mother

C. came to the dance with her husband D. didn't want to dance at all

4The man led the girl to the garden in order to______

A. become more friendly with her B. make her husband angry

C. avoid dancing with the girl D. dance with the girl there

5. The girl talked about her husband in order to ______

A. please the man B. make the man more interested in her

C. prevent the man's advances D. make the man fall in love with her


A bumqkin (乡下老)went to a big city the first time. He went into an office building and saw that a short and fat woman stepped into a small room. After her, the door closed and the light on the top flashed(闪光).After a while the door opened slowly , a young beautiful modern girl walked out of an elevator (电梯).

The bumqkin opened his eyes wide in surprise and said in a low voice. "How I regret that I haven't brought my wife here!"

1. The bumqkin _____went to a big city before

A. Often B. never c. seldom D. always

2. When he went into a building, he saw _____.

A. a beautiful B. a fat woman C. an official D. a big room

3. The room he saw perhaps was _______.

A. an office B. a car C. an elevator D. a shop

4. The woman and the girl __ ____.

A. Were the same B. were mother and daughter

C. Used the same elevator D. had nothing to do with each other

5. If someone were put into the elevator,_________ .

A. He would become more beautiful B. he would be turned into someone else

C. Hew would die soon D. he would perhaps appear in another place


Bucci was pleased with his new job. The next day he sat on the beach painting pictures of ships and the sea. He looked like a tourist and people sometimes watched him at work. On offered to sell it Bucci remembered the photographs and knew that the painting was stolen.

"That's very nice,'' he said. "Have you any more?"

"Yes," said the stranger. He opened his case and took out some pictures which were rolled up.

"would you like this one?" he asked Bucci. Bucci opened his bag and took out a pair of handcuffs(手铐)。"yes.

He said quickly he put the handcuffs on the stranger's wrists

1. Bucci' new job is___,

A. To draw pictures of ships and the sea B. to be a tourist

C. to buy the stolen paintings D. to look for the stolen pictures and the thief

2.Who offered to sell a picture to bucci ____.

A. A girl B. A painter C. scientist D. A man who was well-dressed 3. What was the stranger? _________.

A. A painter B. A. picture seller C. A thief D.A tourist

4. Bucci was ___.

A. a tourist B. an armyman C. had known the thief D. a police officcer

5. How could Bucci judge the painting to be a stolen one? He____.

A. had been shown the photo of the painting B. had seen the painting before

C. has known the thief D. saw the painting rolled up


Tom was taken to the police station and put in a room with another thief, an older man.

The man looked at Tom and said, "why have they brought you here, boy?" "I stole a small radio one day after my lessons," Tom said. The man laughed rudely at Tom.. "You should steal something which is worth a lot if you want to be a thief. You ought to steal something really expensive, so that you name is put in the newspapers. Go and steal a lot of money from a banknext time!"

Tom thought for a few seconds and then said, "I can't do that." "why can't you ?" said the older man. "Are you afraid?"

"No," said Tom, "I'm not afraid at all , but the banks are all closed at three o' cock, and my lessons don't finish until four."

1. Tom was taken to the police station ____.

A. by mistake B. to see another thief C. as a thief D. on business

2. Why did the older thief laugh rudely at Tom ______?

A. Because Tom lied to him

B. Because Tom was only a student.

C. Because he didn't think a small radio was worth stealing.

D. Because he thought Tom was too young to be a thief

3. From what the older man said to Tom , we can draw the conclusion that______.

A. he would go on stealing after he was set free

B. he must have been caught while stealing .

C. he was planning to steal from a bank .

D. he would never out of prison again

4. Having heard what the older man said, Tom thought carefully about______

A. his lessons B. how to be a famous man

C. stealing something worth a lot D. the plant to steal from a bank

5. Tom couldn't steal from a bank because______.

A. he was afraid of being put into prison

B. he wouldn't have time to do that thought he dared to

C. he wanted to be a good student

D. he did not believe in the old man


Some British and American people like to invite friends for a meal at home . You should not be upset if your English friends don't invite you home. It doesn't mean they don't like you .

Dinner parties usually start between 7 and 8 pm and end at about 11. Ask your hosts what time you should arrive It's polite to bring flowers, chocolates or a bottle of wine as a gift.

Usually the evening starts with drinks and snacks(小吃).If you want to be extra polite, say how much you like the room. Or the pictures on the wall. But remember it's not polite to ask how much things cost.

In many families, the husband sits at one table and the wife sits at the other end. They eat with their guests.

You'll probably start the meat with soup or something small, then you'll have meat of fish with vegetables, and then dessert, followed by coffee. It's polite to finish everything on your plate and to tale more if you want it.

Did you enjoy the evening? Call your if hosts the next day, or write them a short "thank you''

Letter. British and American people like to say "thank you, thank you, thank you" all the time!

1. You are going to attend a dinner party, and _______.

A. you'd better bring a certain present with you

B. you must leave home for it at 7 pm

C. you should tell host when you want to leave

D. you must arrive at it before

2. An English doesn't invite you to his or her dinner which______

A. means he or she doesn't like you

B. means he or she likes you

C. doesn't mean he or she doesn't like you

D. doesn't mean he or she doesn't like you

3. It's impolite______

A. to say that you like the host room very much

B. for a guest to ask the host the price of the things in the room

C. for a guest to have drinks and snacks beforethe evening

D. for the host and the host and the hostess to sit and eat with their guests

4.In which order will you eat or drink the following things at the meal?______

E. smacks, vegetables, meat, coffee

F. coffee, drinks, soup, fish, vegetables, dessert

G. soup, meat with vegetables, dessert and coffee

H. Drinks, soup, something small, fish and vegetables

5. Which is the good manners in which you express your enjoyment of the evening?____

A. Before leaving for home , you should say 'Thank you for inviting me.

B. When you shake hands with your host. You should shake hands with you should say "I did enjoy this evening .

C. You can write a letter of thanks to your host after that.

D. You should finish everything on your plate and take more if you like .


This week there is going to be festival of British Food and Farming in Hyde Park in London. The festival hasn't begun yet. And farmers has already run into a serious problem. Yesterday he arrived with his pigs from the welsh Hills _____hundreds of miles away. The pigs were very thirsty when they arrived at Hyde Park and the farmer immediately gave them some London water. Then he got a big surprise because the pigs refused ti drink the water. London water is fit for humans but not for pigs

1. The farmers bring their bring their animals______

A. The farmers bring their animals B. before the festival begins

C. when the festival begins B. as soon as the festival begins

2.The pigs refused to drink the water because_______.

A. London water is fit for humans

B. they were not really thirsty

C. they found it too dirty

E. the water is not fit for them

3. The farmer _______.

A. can't go home for water B. must go home for water

C. will have to think out a plan D. will have to go back with his pigs

4. The author wants to tell us_____

A. good news B. about London water

C. a funny story D. the welsh pigs

5. The farmer has brought pigs to Hyde probably to _____.

A. exhibit B. exchange C. sell D. show off


An English family were retuning home after working for some time in a city in Europe . They had a cat , which they could not take with them and which they decided to drown .The zat was placed inside a bag. The bag was tied at the top and the very angry animal was put in a boat. The husband then took the boat out to Seine and threw the bag, with the cat inside, into the water

A few months later, the man went back to his old position. The house where the family had lived was still empty, so he returned to it . On his first morning , while he was eating breakfast, he hear a noise at the window. It was the very creature!

The man wondered how it how it escaped from death and why it returned to the family that had tried to kill it But what puzzled him most was how it found its way.

1. The above story took place in ____

A. France B. Canada C. Australia D. England

2. The cat got angry because_____

A. it was anxious to return home with the family

B. the family had decided to kill it

C. it was too frightened to flee the bag

D. it couldn't set itself free in the closed bag

3. Seine is the name of _____

A. a gulf B. a river B. a lake D. an ocean

4. The man move into the sane house___

A. only because he went back to his old job

B. in order to find out whether the cat had returned there or not

C. since he had been missing his cat

D. for it had been empty by then

5. which of the following conclusions drawn from the cat' s reappearance is reasonable?

A. Some animals , such as a cat, never hate their enemy.

B. It is very difficult to kill a cat.

C. A cat has a strange way of escaping from death.

D. The man regretted being cruel to his cat.


How Much Is It

It was winter, and Mrs Miller wanted to do a lot of shopping. She waited until it was Saturday , when her husband was free, and she took him to the shops with her to pay for everything and to carry for her what she had bought They went to a lot of shops, and Mrs Miller bought everything she could think of. She often stopped and said, "Look, Isn't that beautiful?"

  • good-looking [] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.漂亮的,美貌的 六级词汇
  • rudely [´ru:dli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.粗鲁地;粗略地 六级词汇
  • inviting [in´vaitiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.动人的 六级词汇
  • miller [´milə] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.磨坊主;铣床(工) 四级词汇