According to the Newsoftheworld.co.uk, on August 15, two mules were forced to dive from a 22ft high
platform into a 6ft deep vat of water in the name of
entertainment in the tiny ranch town of Pipe Creek in Texas, US. Animal rights campaigners criticised the show, "This is animal cruelty. It is rediculous. The
potential for
injury to these animals is massive."
英国世界新闻网8月15日报道,美国德克萨斯州Pipe Creek镇的一个小牧场里,为了一项娱乐活动,两头骡子被迫"勇敢地"从22英尺高的跳台跳进6英尺深的水池里。动物权利活动家批评这场动物演出,"这简直就是虐地动物,太不可思议了。高空跳对动物的潜在伤害是巨大的。"