As you know, the ECB keeps refusing to save the world by printing money. In fact, only recently did it deign to cut interest rates,
despite the approaching implosion of the euro-zone economy.
One reason for the central bank's
reluctance is that it has only one mandate: maintaining price
stability in the euro zone. That means it's far less likely to go in for the sort of cash-dumping
practiced in recent years the dual-mandated Fed.
Well, price
stability appears to be going out the window, according to some charts flagged today by Michael Darda at MKM Partners.
而根据投资公司MKM Partners的达尔达(Michael Darda)今天标出的一些图表显示,物价稳定已经不复存在了。
Inflation expectations in Germany and Italy -- core to the euro zone -- have
absolutely collapsed in recent weeks as cash has dried up and the
outlook for economic growth has cratered.
This risks creating a deflationary
spiral from which the ECB cannot escape, Darda writes: market-based indicators of inflation risk in the eurozone have collapsed. This is a problem because of the real exchange rate misalignment in the eurozone (i.e., peripheral costs are high
relative to core costs): The lower the rate of inflation in the core, the higher the rate of deflation in the periphery. We can see this starkly now in the
behavior of German and Italian breakeven inflation spreads: As the German five-year breakeven spread has collapsed to below 1%, Italian breakeven spreads have plunged into
negative territory. The ECB's
monetary errors are now creating the real risk of a deflationary
collapse in the periphery, meaning that no
amount of austerity would be able to balance budgets or reduce deficits.
Meanwhile, credit conditions have tightened so much in Europe that the risks of a
catastrophe are rising:
欧元区基于市场的通胀风险指标已经大幅下降。这是一个问题,因为欧元区的实际汇率存在错位(也就是说,外围国家的汇率相比核心国家更高):核心国家通胀率越低,外围国家通缩率越高。我们可以从德国和意大利盈亏平衡通胀率(breakeven inflation)之间的关系当中明显地看到这一点:在德国的五年期盈亏平衡通胀率猛降至1%以下的时候,意大利的盈亏平衡通胀率已经跌至负值。欧洲央行货币政策的失误已经给外围国家带来真正的通货紧缩风险,这意味着不管采取多大力度的紧缩措施,都无法平衡预算或削减赤字。
The surge in corporate bond spreads in the eurozone now suggests that nominal GDP could
plunge by 3%-6%, which would be a
disaster for both peripheral and core budgets. In short, credit markets have tightened massively in the eurozone; if the ECB does not act in a
resolute enough manner to
offset this tightening (and, so far, it has not), then it will have to shoulder the blame for presiding over perhaps the largest
monetarycatastrophe since the 1930s.
Mark Gongloff