
We already know who will get rich from the Facebook IPO--Hollywood dramatized that part.


Now the parlor game in Silicon Valley is figuring out exactly how rich they'll become after Facebook lists on the stock market.


The Journal reported that Facebook is hoping to complete a public offering by the second quarter of next year at a valuation of at least $100 billion.


Facebook hasn't disclosed the stakes of its largest owners, though it will have to do so when it files its IPO paperwork. But as the Journal has reported before, CEO Mark Zuckerberg owns about 24% of the company.

Facebook尚未披露其最大股东的持股规模,不过在提交IPO申请文件时,它将必须公布这一信息。正如本报之前报道,该公司首席执行长扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)的持股比例约为24%。

The math here is easy: Zuckerberg would be worth $24 billion if Facebook's listing values it at $100 billion.


David Kirkpatrick, who gained extensiveaccess to Facebook's executive team for his 2010 book 'The Facebook Effect,' offered a few estimates in his book. He wrote that co-founder Dustin Moskovitz (who is no longer with the company) owns 6% while spurned co-founder Eduardo Saverin (also no longer with the company) owns 5%. Early executive Sean Parker owns 4%, he said, while early investor Peter Thiel owns 3%.

2010年出版了《脸书效应》(The Facebook Effect)的作者柯克帕特里克(David Kirkpatrick)在写此书时,曾有机会广泛接触过Facebook的高管团队。他在这本书里对Facebook大股东的持股比例做出了一些估计。柯克帕特里克写道,Facebook联合创始人、现已离开该公司的莫斯科维茨(Dustin Moskovitz)持有6%的股权,而另一位遭公司起诉要求取消其股份的联合创始人、目前也已离开公司的萨维林(Eduardo Saverin)持有5%的股权。他说,在Facebook成立初期任高管的帕克(Sean Parker)持有4%的股权,而早期投资者泰尔(Peter Thiel)持有3%的股权。

One mystery among the estimates: Sheryl Sandberg, who joined Facebook as COO in 2008, is also believed to have been granted a small stake in the company.

另外,2008年加入Facebook并担任首席运营长的桑德伯格(Sheryl Sandberg)据信也获得了该公司的少量股权,但具体比例则不为外界所知。

Many numbers may have shifted--probably downward--as Facebook has diluted the stakes of early owners by issuing stock to new investors such as Goldman Sachs. And some stakeholders have liquidated their shares on the secondary market to fuel their other activities, charitable giving, house purchases, and more.

Facebook向高盛集团(Goldman Sachs)等新投资者发售股票的举动稀释了早期拥有者的股权,很多人的股权比例可能都已发生了变化(很可能是下降)。一些股权持有者为推动自己其它业务发展以及慈善捐资和购房等,已在二级市场上将股份变现。

For those keeping track, a Zuckerberg worth $24 billion would be less rich than Microsoft's Bill Gates and Oracle's Larry Ellison. But he would be more rich than Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, according to estimates of their wealth by Forbes.

不过按照之前的计算以及根据《福布斯》(Forbes)杂志对全球高管财富的估计,扎克伯格240亿美元的身家虽不如微软(Microsoft)的比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)和甲骨文(Oracle)的艾利森(Larry Ellison)那么高,但却超过谷歌(Google)联合创始人佩奇(Larry Page)和布林(Sergey Brin)。

Geoffrey A. Fowler

Geoffrey A. Fowler