
误译:Not long ago, some European countries were obsessed with the poisoned cucumber scare.
正译:Not long ago, some European countries were obsessed with the tainted/contaminated cucumber scare.
解释:"毒黄瓜"指"受到肠出血性大肠杆菌污染的黄瓜"。to poison 的意思是to put poison in or on sth,即"放毒"或"下毒"。poisoned cucumber 指"被下了毒的黄瓜",是人为放毒的结果。这句话的"毒黄瓜"指被病菌污染的黄瓜,应译为 tainted/contaminated cucumber。
作为修饰语,"毒"的第一个意思是"天生有毒的"。英语可以译为poison, poisonous, venom, venomous, toxic.
例如:1. 他被一条毒蛇咬了。He was bitten by a poisonous snake.
第二个意思是"被下毒的"。英语可以译为 poisoned。
例如:2. 这只耗子被毒饵毒死。The rat was killed by poisoned bait.
第三个意思是"被污染的"。英语可以译为 tainted, contaminated。
例如:3.毒豆芽对人体健康有害。Tainted bean sprouts are harmful to human health.
第四个意思是"与吸毒和贩毒相关的"。英语可以译为 drug.
例如:4. 毒瘾是一种严重的疾病。Drug addiction is a serious illness.
例如:5. 他左脚底生了一个小毒疮。A small malignant boil grew below his left foot.   
第六个意思是"程度强烈的"。英语可以译为 strong。
例如:6. 这片沼泽在毒日头下泛着水蒸气。The marsh was steaming in the strong sun.
第七个意思是"毒辣的"、"恶毒的"。英语可以译为 evil, sinister, murderous。
例如:7. 约翰对狄克设下毒计。John set an evil trick on Dick.
例如:8. 他在狱中遭受了毒刑。He suffered from cruel corporalpunishment in prison.


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