

凡出言 信为先 诈与妄 奚可焉
话说多 不如少 惟其是 勿佞巧
奸巧语 秽污词 市井气 切戒之
见未真 勿轻言 知未的 勿轻传
事非宜 勿轻诺 苟轻诺 进退错
凡道字 重且舒 勿急疾 勿模糊
彼说长 此说短 不关己 莫闲管
见人善 即思齐 纵去远 以渐跻
见人恶 即内省 有则改 无加警
唯德学 唯才艺 不如人 当自砺
若衣服 若饮食 不如人 勿生戚
闻过怒 闻誉乐 损友来 益友却
闻誉恐 闻过欣 直谅士 渐相亲
无心非 名为错 有心非 名为恶
过能改 归于无 倘掩饰 增一辜
I will speak honestly, avoiding lies and promising only what I can deliver.
I recognize that actions speak louder than words so will speak little but do lots,
My words shall be simple and easy to understand,
Free of clever words, vulgar expressions and gossip.
I will not jump to conclusions before I have the full picture,
And will not repeat things I have heard unless I know they are true.

I will not make promises unless I mean to keep them.
My speech should be clear and to the point,
Avoiding speaking too fast or being vague.
When I hear sensational gossip,
I should consider if it is my business or not.
My focus should be on my studies,
And I should avoid being distracted by irrelevant events.

When I see the good deeds and virtues of others I should learn from them
Even if they are beyond me now and then, I will be able to better myself.
When I see others do wrong I will consider if I have the same failings,
And can avoid the making the same mistakes.
I should focus on cultivating my virtues and developing my skills,
If I fall short of the achievements of others I should persevere,
And not feel inferior due to clothing or food or status in life.

If I feel angry when my friends point out my failings
And am happy only when I get compliments,
Then I will lose my good friends and be surrounded by bad ones.
However if I am modest about compliments and accept criticism happily from others
When people do something wrong without knowing then that is a mistake
But if they do it on purpose, it is not a mistake but an evil thing
A man who makes a mistake but corrects it and does not repeat it erases that mistake permanently,
A man who covers up his mistake is perpetrating a worse crime.