brain candy
很多人小时候都喜欢吃糖,因为那甜甜的味道能够让人觉得很美好,连心情也会变得好起来。所以,在英语中,candy这个词常常用来指代那些能够让人感到愉悦的人或事物。比如,我们之前说过的eye candy(养眼花瓶),以及今天要介绍的brain candy。
Brain candy describes an experience that is enjoyable because it stimulates the mind pleasantly, but doesn't
actually make it work, usually in
reference to light and
fluffy books, movies, TV shows, and other entertainment.
Brain candy(脑轻松)指让大脑轻松愉快的体验。这种体验能够刺激大脑、让其感到愉悦,同时又不会让大脑处于工作状态,多指轻松简单的书籍、电影、电视节目以及其他的娱乐形式。
For example:
No one ever called Star Trek great drama, but it makes pretty good brain candy.