
An inventor has come up with a new design for a car that will drive on roads, sand, ice - and even water.

The all-terrain vehicle which works like a hovercraft has a top speed of 62mph.
Designer Yuhan Zhang, 21, created the amazing machine - called the Volkswagen Aqua - for a competition sponsored by the German car manufacturer.
The machine incorporates four high-powered fans and integrated airbags that inflate to lift it from the ground.
The Aqua uses a hydrogen fuel cell to power - with zero carbon emissions.
"There is no better form of transport than an air cushionvehicle because it travels equally well over land, ice, and water," said Zhang Yuhan.
The mechanic design graduate, from China, added: "I hope Aqua will become an affordable supercar that is available to the general public one day."

这款名为Aqua 的神奇大众车是由21岁的张宇涵设计,并在德国汽车制造商赞助的一场比赛中展出。

