
The next solar cycle - the 11-year pattern when dark spots appear on the sun's surface - may be delayed or even go into "hibernation" for a while, according to US scientists.
Astronomer Frank Hill of the US National Solar Observatory and other scientists cited a missing jet stream, fading spots and slower activity near the sun's poles as signs that the sun is heading into a rest period.
"This is highly unusual and unexpected," he said. "But the fact that three completely different views of the sun point in the same direction is a powerful indicator that the sunspot cycle may be going into hibernation."
But this does not mean a new ice age is coming, Hill said.
They also wondered whether this cessation of sunspot activity indicates an upcoming return of the Maunder Minimum, a 70-year sunspot drought seen from 1645-1715.
The potentially cooling influence of the sunspot activity could not cancel out the warming caused by human activities that generate climate-warming greenhouse gases.



"这很不寻常,出人意料" ,希尔说,"三项截然不同的太阳观测项目都发现了相同的迹象,这一事实有力地的证明,太阳黑子活动周期也许正在进入冬眠期。"

专家正在研究这段非活动期会不会预示着 "蒙德极小期"重新来临--从1645年至1715年的70年间,人类几乎观测不到任何太阳黑子活动。
