
For real fashionistas, nothing beats the visceral thrill of shopping. While buying clothes online is ridiculously easy, it is no substitute for the real thing - you can't run your hands over a silk dress, say, or try it on for size.
Soon shoppers will be able to digitise the look and feel of clothes and share the details online, along with their emotional reactions. Such a network could even help design new clothes by letting consumers contribute their ideas to fashion designers.
"We're exploring different ways to represent different fabrics," says Sharon Baurley, who leads the project, dubbed Digital Sensoria.
Baurley and colleagues are developing apps for iPhones, iPads and other tablet computers that take advantage of touchscreens to portray fabrics in a slightly more realistic way.
These interactive fabrics, called Shoogles, are made using a process similar to stop-frame animation that creates the illusion of movement, so that users can stretch, rub or pinch materials as they would in real life - although you don't get the same feeling on your fingertips. People can also upload their own designs.
The project will also help retailers. "There has been significant interest from major retailers in exploring new methods and tools to enable them to get closer to their consumers and gain insight into perceptions of products," says Baurley.
She has recently begun collaborating with UK store Marks & Spencer on a project to help them crowdsource designs from their customers.
Efrat Tseëlon, who researches fashion at the University of Leeds, UK, thinks that people like to be involved in the process of shopping and consuming in all sorts of active ways, but digital tools are unlikely to replace the real thing altogether, for people have that need for physical connections, really touching and really sensing.



"我们目前正在探索可以代表不同材质面料的各种动态表现方式,"有数字化感官大师之称的该项目负责人Sharon Baurley 说道。



这个项目对零售商业大有帮助。"各大零售商对此都表现出极大的兴趣,他们希望能够开发出新的方法和工具来拉进与顾客的距离,了解他们对产品的真实感受," Baurley说道。


在英国利兹大学研究时装的Efrat Tseëlon表示,尽管人们喜欢以任何主动的方式参与到购物的过程,但通过数字工具的触摸完全代替真实的触摸是不现实的,因为人们有对衣物进行物理接触的需求,包括真正的触摸和感觉。