
Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal wedding is to be celebrated in Westminster Abbey in London on April 29 (Today).What will they say in their vows?
Kate Middleton will not promise to "obey" Prince William, instead Kate pledge to "love, comfort, honour and keep" him.
She, however, is not the first to disagree to obedience. When Diana, the groom's mother, married heir-to-the-throne Prince Charles in 1981, she made a similar vow unlike several other royals including Queen Elizabeth II. And Miss Middleton is to follow Diana's footprint.

"They've thought through what they want for themselves, but also what they want to say", Dr. Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury who will oversee the nuptials said,"They've had a very simple, very direct picture of what really matters about this event".
"They're responsible to the whole society, and responsible to God for their relationship. And I think it's impressive that they've had that simplicity about it, they've known what matters, what's at the heart of all this," the archbishop added.


"他们(这对皇室新人)不仅很审慎地思考过他们想要什么,还知道他们想说什么。" 婚礼当天的见证人,坎特伯雷大主教罗文·威廉斯说,"他们对这场婚礼什么最重要有非常质朴和明确的认识"。
