
More than a quarter of this year's university graduates in Britain are expected to move back in with their parents after completing their studies.
They will swell the ranks of a "boomerang generation" of three million adults who have returned to the family home because of the hardships of independent life.
In the past, adults who lived with their parents into their twenties and beyond were often characterized as failures.
But the stigma no longer applies, according to research by Mintel, which found 27 percent of graduates are planning to return to their parents' homes this year.
Forty-one percent of the three million adults living with their parents say they returned home to save money, while more than a third did so because they were between jobs or university terms.
Three in ten returned because they could not pay their mortgages and around one in four did so after a relationship break-up.
Mintel said 13 percent lived with their parents because they enjoyed home comforts such as free dinners and a laundry service.
Most of those moving back in with their parents are aged 20-23, while 28 percent are 24-35. A surprisingly large number, 196,000, are 36 or over.







