
Chinese microblogging queen, Yao Chen, may not be known out of her home country, but the popular actress has attracted more than 10 million followers on China's Twitter-like microblog service, Weibo.
Her 10 million-strong fans on her microblog at t.sina.com.cn/yaochen is not far from that of nearly 12 million followers of Lady Gaga on Twitter, reported Xinhua.
Sina.com.cn crowned Yao as the "queen of microblog" when her followers exceeded five million in January.
The 32-year-old actress is the first non-Twitter microblogger to be among the world's 10 most followed microbloggers.
Her legion of followers seem to have been won over by her engagement with current world events, addressing social and political issues in Weibo.
The actress shot to fame in 2006 for her role in popular sitcom "My Own Swordsmen". She also starred in television series "Lurk" in 2008.
With the large population in China and an ever-increasing broadband penetration, it will only be a matter of time before Yao outranks Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber as having the most microblogging followers in the world.


据新华社报道,关注姚晨微博(t.sina.com.cn/yaochen)的1000万铁杆粉丝数已紧追Lady Gaga 1200万的Twitter 粉丝数。


这位32岁的女演员是第一个没有Twitter账号, 但却跻身全球十大最热微博博主之列的人。


受益于中国的众多人口和不断增长的宽带普及率,姚晨的关注者数量超过Lady Gaga和贾斯汀•比伯、成为世界关注度最高的微博博主,也只是时间问题。
