Solo was
busily checking readouts from gauges and dials in the hold area.
Occasionally he would pass a small box across various sensors, study the result, and
cluck with pleasure.
"You can stop worrying about your Imperial friends," he told Luke and Ben.
"They'll never be able to track us now. Told you I'd lose them."
Kenobi might have nodded briefly in
response, but he was engaged in explaining
something to Luke.
"Don't everybody thank me at once," Solo grunted, slightly miffed. "Anyway,
navigation computer calculates our arrival in Alderaan orbit at oh-two-hundred. I'm
afraid after this little adventure I'll have to forge a new registration."
He returned to his checking, passing in front of a small circular table. The top
was covered with small squares lit from beneath, while computer monitors were set
into each side. Tiny three-dimensional figures were projected above the tabletop
from various squares.
Chewbacca sat hunched over on side of the table, his chin resting in massive
hands. His great eyes glowing and
facial whiskers wrinkled upward, he gave every
sign of being well pleased with himself.
At least, he did until Artoo Detoo reached up with a stubby clawed limb across
from him and tapped his own computer monitor. One of the figures walked abruptly
across the board to a new square and stopped there.
An expression of puzzlement, then anger crossed the Wookie's face as he studied
the new configuration. Glaring up and over the table, he vented a stream of abusive
gibberish on the inoffensive machine. Artoo could only beep in reply, but Threepio
soon interceded on
behalf of his less
eloquent companion and began arguing with the
hulking anthropoid.
"He executed a fair move. Screaming about it won't help you."
Attracted by the
commotion, Solo looked back over his shoulder, frowning
slightly. "Let him have it. Your friend's way ahead anyhow. It's not wise to upset
a Wookie."
"I can sympathize with that opinion, sir," Threepio countered, "but there is
principle at stake here. There are certain standards any sentient creature must hold
to. If one compromises them for any reason, including intimidation, then one is
abrogating his right to be called intelligent."
"I hope you'll both remember that," Solo advised him, "when Chewbacca is
pulling the arms off you and your little friend."
"Besides that, however," Threepio continued without missing a beat, "being
greedy or
taking advantage of someone in a weakened position is a clear sign of poor
That elicited a beep of
outrage from Artoo, and the two robots were soon
engaged in violent electronic argument while Chewbacca continued jabbering at each
in turn, occasionally waving at them though the translucent pieces waiting patiently
on the board.