
Dell'Orco & Villani is the sort of small company that dominates the Italian economy and is essential to rejuvenating this crucial part of the euro zone.

位于意大利托斯卡纳(Tuscany)的废品再生机生产商德洛尔科&维拉尼(Dell'Orco & Villani)是那种在意大利经济中占据支配地位的小企业,也是振兴意大利经济的关键。

There's just one problem. 'Our policy has always been not to grow,' says Sergio Dell'Orco, the 64-year-old head of the recycling-machine maker from Tuscany. Among other issues holding the company back are strict labor laws and an inefficient legal system 'that become difficult to work under if you're big,' he says.

但是有一个问题。德洛尔科64岁的老板塞尔焦•德洛尔科(Sergio Dell'Orco)说,"我们的政策一直是不扩大规模。"他说,阻碍公司发展的其他因素还包括意大利严苛的劳动法和效率低下的法律体系,"如果你把公司做大了会很麻烦。"

The lack of growth at family businesses such as Dell'Orco is a huge obstacle to making the country more dynamic