
The war to build the best tablet is shifting to software.


In the year-and-a-half since Apple Inc. (AAPL) released the market-leading iPad, other companies have tried to one-up the technology giant by going smaller, lighter and cheaper. Now, as the number of tablet entrants picks up, the competition is expanding to what the device can do and not just what it looks like.

苹果公司(Apple Inc.)发布领先市场的iPad已经有一年半的时间,这期间其他公司一直想通过更小的尺寸、更轻的重量和更低的价格赶超这家科技巨头。现在,随着参与平板电脑角逐的公司越来越多,竞争已经扩大到平板电脑可以做什么,而不只是看上去像个什么样子。

On Monday, Amazon.com Inc. (AMZN) began shipping its new Kindle Fire, a $199 tablet packed with custom software that the Seattle company hopes will distinguish its device.

亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)新推出的Kindle Fire周一开始发货,每台199美元。这款平板安装了定制化软件,总部位于西雅图的亚马逊希望它能让Kindle Fire在各种平板中脱颍而出。

As their hardware starts to resemble each other's, software is the most defensible position tablet makers like Amazon have.


The same approach is being used by a variety of tablet makers trying to attack and expand the market beyond the iPad, which has unique software features tied to the device. The iPad currently commands a 70% share of the tablet market, according to Forrester Research and Piper Jaffray & Co. analysts, and has an ecosystem of some 140,000 apps for the iPad specifically.

多家希望进入并扩大iPad以外市场的平板电脑生产商正在采用同样的方针。iPad拥有独一无二的软件功能。据Forrester Research和Piper Jaffray & Co.的分析师说,目前iPad占据平板电脑市场70%的份额。它还拥有大约14万个专门针对iPad的应用软件,构成了一个生态系统。

Others are now racing to match the selection. Last week, Amazon issued two statements within two days about its software offerings, saying it secured 'several thousand' apps, including ones from online-video service Netflix Inc. (NFLX), game-maker Zynga Inc., and Walt Disney Co.'s (DIS) ESPN.

其他公司正力争达到这个数量。亚马逊上周两天内连发两份声明说,它已经获得"数千"个应用软件,其中包括网络视频提供商Netflix Inc.、游戏制作商Zynga Inc.和迪士尼(Walt Disney Co.)的应用软件。

Tablet makers are still challenging each other on hardware too, though a more head-to-head battle likely won't come until next year. That's when Amazon will release another tabletcomputer with a touchscreen that is about 9.7 inches, according to a person familiar with the matter, instead of the 7-inch-size that began shipping this week. The iPad has a 9.7-inch screen.

平板电脑生产商也还在展开硬件竞争,但在明年之前不太可能是一种更加硬碰硬的短兵相接。据知情人士说,到了明年,亚马逊将会发布新款平板电脑,触屏尺寸约为9.7英寸,而不是本周开始发货的Kindle Fire的7英寸。iPad屏幕尺寸为9.7英寸。

The person familiar with the matter also said Amazon has five million Kindle Fire tablets on hand to sell during the holiday season.

这位知情人士还说,亚马逊备有500万台Kindle Fire供假期销售。

It is unclear when the new 9.7-inch Amazon gadget would be sold. The Wall Street Journal earlier reported the company was working on another model it could release next year.


Apple, which makes the vast majority of its revenue from hardware, is also talking more about software these days.


In October, the company released iCloud, software for syncing content between Apple devices, its iMessage messaging service for tablets and some two hundred other software tweaks.


For its iPhone 4S that went on sale the same month, Apple didn't upgrade the hardware significantly and focused on the software, introducing new features like its Siri digital assistant.

至于当月销售的iPhone 4S,苹果则没有显著更新硬件,而是侧重于软件,推出了数字助手Siri等新的功能。

Jessica E. Vascellaro / Stu Woo