
It's been a while since my university days when I would sit, translating and memorizing Faye Wong songs.

But, as anyone who has heard me mangling one in a karaoke booth will testify, my enthusiasm has not waned with time.

大学时,我会坐在那里翻译并默记王菲(Faye Wong)的歌。这已是很久以前的事了。

Last weekend, I saw her perform in Singapore as part of her comeback tour. Like so many things with Wang Fei, to use her Chinese name, her return to the world of pop was as unexpected and unexplained as her disappearance six years ago.


Whatever Ms. Wong's reasons, they mattered little to her fans. Online ticketing systems crashed due to excessive demand for the Hong Kong and Taipei legs of a tour that also took her to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Nanjing, Changsha and Wuhan. Kuala Lumpur, this Sunday, marks the final international stop before she moves on to Harbin and Chengdu.


Performing in front of 6,500 at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, in a production that got creative input from film director Wong Kar Wai, the singer