
BookIV Unit 1 Reading Quiz

I. Blank-filling

A.fall B.analyses C.sense D.techniquesE. fulfilling F.while

G. confident H. follow I.chances J.persist K.entertaining

L.intelligent M.focus N. though O.truly

Generally speaking, most people like these funny, 1)__ entertaining____ jokes and stories which make them laughing. However, after hearing a joke, some people will 2)___ fall___ out of their chairs laughing 3)____ while __ others look as if they have heard the weather report. Why does this happen? Obviously, people's 4)____ sense__ of humor varies from person to person. A 5)truly humorously person is not only liked but is often the 6)__ focus ____of the attention. In this article, the author 7)___analyses___ what makes a funny story of joke seem fun. In doing so, he lists 6 types of humor and explains their 8)_techniques, and points out that humor will 9) persist_ though some professionals think today's humor is not very 10)__ intelligent ____.

II. Translation

1. 1. This incident may ____ trigger a chain reaction .(引起连锁反应)

2.That boy _was tempted to_become a thief. (受人诱骗)

3. An animal, even a small insect, is no less sensible to pain than man(对疼痛的敏感程度也不比人类少)

4. Fast cars appeal to John, but he can't afford one.(速度快的车对......有吸引力)

5. Mutual inspiration can be a great help, especially in the early days.(互相鼓励)

6. Photographic film is very sensitive to light .(对光很敏感)

7. After you've signed the contract, it will be impossible to back out


8. His face took on a worried look. (开始露出焦虑的神情)

9. He could hardly wait to make a tempt to ride the new bicycle .(试一下那辆新自行车)

10. The arrangement for the meeting have been made, only a small number of the pieces should be ending .(只有少数零碎事需要扫尾)

III. Reading comprenhension

One fact that clearly demonstrated by the early sleep researchers: one part of the night is not just like another. As scientists began to compare the records of volunteers during the 1950's, they observed that human sleep follows a rhythmic schedule. They noted that not only was this schedule much the same in healthy persons of the same age with similar habits but, from night to night, each individual had an EEG record almost as consistent as a signature.
Sleep and wakefulness, once considered to be the light and dark of consciousness, no longer seem to differ so sharply. Actually, sleep is not a unitary(
单一的)state, it involves many shades or degrees of detachment from the surrounding world. While sleep may feel like a blanket of darkness punctuated by dreams--a time when the mind is asleep--nothing could be less true. All night long a person drifts down and up through different levels of consciousness, as if on waves. With laboratory methods, researchers have been able to chart the typical stages of the journey into sleep.
The journey starts while the subject is still awake but beginning to relax. His brain waves, which have been low, rapid, and irregular, begin to show a new pattern, the alpha rhythm. When their EEG shows an alpha rhythm, the subjects are notified, either by a sound or by the appearance of a color on a screen. Because the alpha state tends to be pleasant and relaxed, the ability to sustain it can help tense people ease their passage into sleep. A moment of tension, a loud noise, an attempt to solve a problem, however, and the alpha rhythm may vanish.
As the subject passes through the gates of the unconscious, his alpha waves grow smaller, and his eyes roll very slowly. For a moment, he may wake up during this early part of the descent, alerted by a sudden spasm(
痉挛) that causes his body to jerk (使猝然一动). It is caused by a brief burst of activity in the blain, and is normal in all human sleep. It is gone in a fraction of a second, after which descent continues. The subject has not felt the peculiar transformation, but now he is said to be truly asleep.

1. This passage states that a person is really asleep only __________.

A)after experiencing a jerk

B)when his EEG reveals no alpha rhythm

C)after the completion of his alpha rhythm

D)when his EEG begins to show an alpha rhythm

2. According to the author, the alpha state has been shown to be __________.

A)unmeasurable B)controllable

C)unpleasant for some people D)a brief burst of activity in the brain

3. According to the passage, what was used by sleep researchers?

A)Music. B)Ladder. C)Charts. D)Signature.

4. According to this passage, sleep is described as __________.

A)drowning in an ocean of darkness

B)undisturbed by tension or problems

C)a gradual parting from the real world

D)dependent only upon individual age and health

5. The word "subject" (Line 1, Para; 3) refers to __________.

A)measurement B)instrument C)dream D)volunteer

Answer Sheet

Class __________ Number ________ Name _____________

I. Blank-filling

1-5 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 6-10 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

II. Translation











III. Reading comprenhension

1-5 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Unit 1


I. Blank-filling


II. Translation

1. trigger a chain reaction

2. was tempted to

3. no less sensible to pain than man

4. Fast cars appeal to

5. Mutual encouragement

6. sensitive to light

7. impossible to back out

8. took on a worried look

9. try out his new bike

10. except for a few looseends

III. Reading comprenhension


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