
The Encyclopaedia Britannica has been the most prestigious general encyclopedia in the English language for what seems like forever. But it has always been expensive, and a bit stodgy. Today, when people need to look up information, they're likely to just do a Web search, or to consult the free, community-written, online encyclopedia, Wikipedia.

直以来,《大英百科全书》(Encyclopedia Britannica)都是最知名、最权威的英语百科全书。不过,它的价格也一直很高,而且内容有些枯燥。如今,人们如果寻找某些信息可能只是在互联网上搜一下,或去免费、在线、协作编写的维基百科(Wikipedia)查询。

The Britannica, however, isn't going away, or ignoring the digital world. It has long had a paid website. When it comes to school research, it is often trusted by many teachers and parents over less rigorously vetted sources. And now, it is about to launch a slick iPad app containing its entire content at a greatly reduced price: $2 a month, or $24 a year, versus $70 a year for the Web version and about $1,400 for the venerable print version. (People who pay for the Web version also get access to the iPad app at no extra cost.)


I've been testing this new iPad app, and I like it. It is much cleaner and more attractive than the cluttered Britannica website and sports some nice features, including a dynamic 'link map' showing the relationship between topics in a visual format. Unlike the Web version, it is free of ads. The app is expected to be available in a couple of weeks.

我测试了这款新的应用程序,我真的很喜欢它。与内容拥挤的《大英百科全书》网站相比,iPad版本的界面更干净,内容更有吸引力,而且还有一些新的功能,比如动态的"链接地图"(link map),能以视觉方式显示不同词条之间的关系。和互联网版不同的是,iPad版没有内置广告。

Whether or not this new Britannica app is for you will be a personal decision based on what you're looking for; and how much you value an edited, highly curated source over the broader, more easily updated, but crowd-sourced, Wikipedia, which also is available via a variety of iPad apps. Of course, many subscribers to Britannica will still use Wikipedia or other Web sources for research.


Since I don't presume to be an academicexpert, for this review I focused mostly on the experience of using the forthcoming Britannica app, rather than attempting to analyze its contents. Still, some content comparisons with Wikipedia are useful to keep in mind.


The Britannica app contains 140,000 articles. Wikipedia has about 3.7 million. Many contemporary topics, like the latest in pop culture, or some current public figures, are included in Wikipedia, but missing from Britannica. For instance, the widely praised and popular TV show 'Modern Family' gets lavish coverage in Wikipedia, but doesn't make the cut in Britannica.

《大英百科全书》应用程序包含140,000篇文章,维基百科约有370万篇。很多当代词条,如流行文化的最新趋势或一些近期出现的公众人物,在维基百科可以找到,但在《大英百科全书》中则付之阙如。比如说,广受好评的热门美剧《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)在维基百科有连篇累牍的介绍,但在《大英百科全书》应用程序中无缘相见。

On the other hand, there are some topics in Britannica's smaller collection of articles that I couldn't locate in Wikipedia. One example: an article on Suzanne Douvillier, described by Britannica as 'probably the first woman choreographer in America.'

不过,反过来说《大英百科全书》中一些小众领域的词条在维基百科里也找不到。比如,《大英百科全书》中就有一篇介绍苏珊•杜维利尔(Suzanne Douvillier)的文章,称她可能是美国第一个女性舞蹈指导。

And Britannica has many articles written by credentialed academics, journalists and other experts, while it can be difficult to discern the credentials, or even the real name, of a Wikipedia contributor.


The forthcoming Britannica iPad app, which also is slated to appear later in an iPhone and Android version, is handsome and colorful. It's free to download and offers a small amount of free content, even for nonsubscribers. But the vast majority of its content is accessible only to subscribers.


Perhaps the coolest feature is the link map, triggered from an icon at the top of each article page. This generates a spider web of icons representing other articles related to the one you were reading.


For instance, the link map for the article on Apple Chairman Steve Jobs spawns tendrils leading to articles on things like 'personal computer' and 'software.' If you then tap on say, 'software,' more tendrils appear, leading to topics like 'Bill Gates' or 'open source.' You can tap on any of the icons to read the underlying article.

举例来说,从苹果公司(Apple)董事长史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的文章出发,可以找到关于"个人电脑"和"软件"这些词条的文章。如果你再点击"软件"词条的链接地图,就会跳到"比尔•盖茨"(Bill Gates)或"开源"的词条上去,你可以点击新出现的图标,阅读相关文章。

This kind of visual array of related items isn't a new idea. In fact, there is an iPad app called WikiNodes which does something similar for Wikipedia content. But Britannica has implemented the idea nicely.

这种视觉显示相关主题的方式并不是新生事物。事实上,iPad 上有一款名为WikiNodes的应用程序就使用类似的方式搜索维基百科的内容。不过,在《大英百科全书》中,这种方法运用得很棒。

The home page of the Britannica app features a large daily color photo with an accompanying free article related to the picture. For instance, a photo of the Croatian National Theatre links to a free article on the country's capital, Zagreb.

在《大英百科全书》应用程序的首页上,每天都会更新一张大画幅的彩色照片,附有免费的相关文章。比如说,一张克罗地亚国家剧院(Croatian National Theatre)的照片会链接到克罗地亚首都札格拉布(Zagreb)的免费介绍文章上去。

Also on the home page is an event that occurred that day, such as the birth of the actress Brigitte Bardot, which can be tapped to reveal an article about her.

首页上还会显示当天发生的一件历史事件,如女影星巴铎(Brigitte Bardot)的生日等,点击后会出现一篇介绍她生平的文章。

In addition, the home page features a large search box for looking up topics and three links in a section labeled 'Browse.' One, called 'A-Z,' allows you to just leaf through the Britannica alphabetically. Another, called Top Articles, includes 100 free articles on popular topics like the 'Amazon River,' 'the Beatles,' 'the French Revolution' or 'William Shakespeare.' The third is an expanded list of events and births that occurred on the day you are using the app.

此外,首页上有个大大的搜索框,用于搜素词条。首页还有一个区域标有"浏览"(Browse)功能以及三种链接方式,一是"A-Z",让用户以字母排序方式浏览;二是"热门文章"(Top Articles),包括一百篇关于热门主题的免费文章,如"亚马逊河"(Amazon River)、"披头士乐队"(the Beatles)、"法国大革命"(the French Revolution)或"莎士比亚"(William Shakespeare);三是一个扩展清单,显示当天发生的历史事件和当天出生的名人。

Beyond the couple of free home page articles and the 100 free top articles, non-subscribers will only see the first 100 words or so of each article.


When viewing an article, you can read through it by merely swiping from page to page, a process I found quick and reliable. A progress bar and page number shows where you are in an article, but there is no bookmark feature. The font size can be increased or decreased.


To the left of each article, there are icons that allow you to save it for offline reading, mark it as a favorite, or email a link to the Web version of that article, which can be read even by a nonsubscriber. A section of the app called My Britannica lists all your saved, favorite and recently viewed articles. I found all of this easy to discover and use.

每篇文章的左边还有一些功能按钮,让用户保存文章离线阅读、加入收藏夹、或用电子邮件发送该文章的网络链接。应用程序中有一个名为"我的大英百科全书"(My Britannica)的清单,列出你保存、收藏和近期阅读过的所有文章。在我看来,这些功能都容易找到,用起来也简单。

At the top of each article, there are icons that, when tapped, display the table of contents for the article, and a gallery of images from the article, expanded to a larger size.


I found some things missing from the app, including some features that are present in Britannica's website.


The most glaring omission is the lack of links to related sources outside the encyclopedia. There are also no videos in the app. And you can't print articles from the app, though Britannica says it plans to add printing and the ability to post references to articles to social networks.


Especially for students, or anyone who values what Britannica has to offer, I found the new Britannica iPad app to be a pleasing, easy way to navigate through a large body of knowledge.


Watch a video of Walt Mossberg on the Encyclopaedia Britannica app at WSJ.com/PersonalTech. Find all his columns and videos at the All Things Digital website, walt.allthingsd.com. Email him at mossberg@wsj.com.

Walter S. Mossberg

Walter S. Mossberg