
Cancer experts said Wednesday that there was little remarkable about the progress of the rare, relatively slow-moving form of pancreatic cancer that afflicted Apple Inc.'s co-founder Steve Jobs for at least the past seven years, except that he had a liver transplant as part of his treatment.

癌症专家周三表示,苹果联合创始人乔布斯(Steve Jobs)身患的那种罕见的、发展相对较慢的胰腺癌在过去七年中的进程并没有什么奇特之处,只不过他曾经接受肝移植,那是治疗的一部分。

'Living six or eight years following a diagnosis is not unusual,' said Margaret Tempero, a pancreatic-cancerexpert at the University of California, San Francisco, who wasn't involved in treating Mr. Jobs.

加州大学旧金山分校的胰腺癌专家坦佩罗(Margaret Tempero)说,病人在确诊之后仍能存活6-8年并不出奇。坦佩罗并未参与乔布斯的治疗。

Apple didn't comment on the cause of Mr. Jobs's death; the exact cause remains unclear. His battle with his illness led to his decision in late August to relinquish the chief executive post at Apple.


Over the years, Mr. Jobs and Apple released so little information about his medical condition that they encountered criticism from corporate-governance advocates for the lack of disclosure. Few people outside of his doctors and inner circle know the details of his treatment. None of the doctors quoted in this story treated Mr. Jobs or has any direct knowledge of his condition or care.


About 40,000 Americans are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer each year and for the vast majority it is quick death sentence: about 80% die within the first year after diagnosis, according to the National Cancer Institute.

根据美国国家癌症研究所(National Cancer Institute)的数据,在美国,每年约有40,000人被确诊为胰腺癌,其中绝大部分会在短期内死亡──约有80%在确诊后的一年中去世。

But Mr. Jobs had what is called a neuroendocrine pancreatic tumor, a type that accounts for fewer than 5% of pancreatic cancers and, experts say, differs substantially from the more common kind.


'The two different types have fairly dramatically different clinical behaviors,' said Matthew Kulke, director of the carcinoid and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor program at the Harvard-affiliated Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Typically, the neuroendocrine tumor 'will grow more slowly and patients can do quite well, sometimes for several years.'

在哈佛大学波士顿达纳法伯癌症研究所(Dana-Farber Cancer Institute)负责良性肿瘤与胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤研究项目的主管库尔克(Matthew Kulke)说,两种不同的胰腺肿瘤在临床表现上的差异相当明显。神经内分泌肿瘤的生长更慢,而病人的情况可以维持得很好,有时甚至可以长达数年。

Mr. Jobs had the tumor surgically removed in 2004, a procedure he said at the time was successful.


Michaela Banck, a pancreatic cancerexpert at Mayo Clinic, said there are two reasons to undergosurgery for such a tumor. 'If you think it is confined to the pancreas, there is quite a good hope that the patient has gotten rid of it once and for all,' she said.

梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)的胰腺癌专家班克(Michaela Banck)说,对于这样的肿瘤,进行手术有两个原因。如果你认为病灶仅限于胰腺,那么患者手术后有很大的希望一劳永逸地摆脱它。

But if the cancer has spread to the liver, 'you can't ultimately cure it. The more tumor you remove, you buy time for the patient,' she added. 'You kind of reset the clock.'


After the 2004 surgery, Mr. Jobs and his company said little about his health until January 2009, when his significant weight loss and a decision to forgo his customary appearance at a major trade show raised new concerns.


Initially that month, Mr. Jobs attributed his weight loss to a 'hormonal imbalance' that was being treated nutritionally. But a week later, he said his condition was 'more complex,' and he took a leave of absence.


Mr. Jobs underwent his liver transplant in 2009. While there are some published studies describing liver transplant as a treatment option for neuroendocrine pancreatic tumors, it isn't a common approach, experts said.


One worry is that drugs used to prevent rejection of a transplantdepress the immune system, and 'cancers can grow rapidly afterward,' said the USCF's Dr. Tempero. But, 'it's all speculation.'



