
The stakes for high-net-worth dogs continue to rise.


First, there was the $1.5 million mastiff. Then the 'troubled' millionaire maltese. And now comes the Toy Terrier.

首先是价值150万美元的 犬,然后是继承了千万财产的"狗中富豪"马耳他犬Trouble,现在的风头"人物"则是一只玩具梗。

Thieves in Italy last month snuck into the Genoa hotel room of Russian chemicals tycoon Stanislav Rybchinsky and took the family's Russian Toy Terrier, named Johnny.

意大利的几名窃贼上个月悄悄溜进俄罗斯化学品巨头莱布钦斯基(Stanislav Rybchinsky)在热那亚的酒店房间,偷走了这家人养的俄罗斯玩具梗"约翰尼"(Johnny)。

Dog-nappings among the rich are not uncommon, of course. But the family's efforts to get Johnny back have been especially aggressive. They've contacted the Italian police and have urged Russian diplomats to apply pressure on the Italian authorities. They also alerted more than 100 vets around Genoa to stay on the look out for Johnny.


Mr. Rybchinsky demanded that the entire hotel staff take a lie detector test, but the hotel refused.


Best of all, they've offered a reward of $15,000 to anyone who recovers him.


'We were very upset,' Mr. Rybchinsky's daughter, Yana, said in an interview with the Telegraph. 'For my mother, he was like a member of the family who was always kind and never barked at anyone.'


The family suspects a hotel employee, she said, since the thieves used a copy of their electronic key to get into their room. The thieves also took two pairs of expensive shoes and a belt, but left the more expensivejewelry, she said. Professional dog thieves typically take a few of the owner's possessions so the dog smells the owner and remains calm, she said.


What is the largest pet reward you've heard of?


Robert Frank