
For $59.99, visitors can see the Statue of Liberty and get a ticket to the National September 11 Memorial as part of the NYC Freedom Tour.

要花59.99美元,游客们就能参观自由女神像,并且得到911国家纪念馆(National September 11 Memorial)的入场券,这是纽约市自由行的一部分。

For $10, tourists can join a walking tour of Lower Manhattan led by someone personallyaffected by the terrorist attacks.


Those seeking a less crowded space to reflect might wander along the Brooklyn Heights Promenade, where a faded black-and-white photograph nailed to the railing shows the view when the Twin Towers still stood.

那些希望找个不那么拥挤的空间进行反思的人可以徜徉在布鲁克林高地长廊(Brooklyn Heights Promenade),那里的栏杆上钉着褪了色的黑白照片,展示着双子塔依然矗立时的景象。

The attacks left an indelible mark on New York City's tourism industry: The number of hotels downtown has tripled in the past decade, and the area attracted a record-breaking nine million visitors in 2010, according to the Downtown Alliance.

911袭击给纽约市旅游业留下难以磨灭的印记:根据纽约下城联盟(Downtown Alliance)的资料,过去10年,纽约市中心的酒店数量增长了两倍,这一地区2010年创纪录地吸引了900万名游客。

Many pilgrims say they want to pay their respects, pass on the story of what happened to their children, and try to make sense of what they witnessed that day.


But the surge of 9/11-related tourism has also raised prickly questions about how to market such destinations without appearing to exploit or diminish the tragedy. Tourism industry leaders and New Yorkers alike have grappled with the right balance for a decade, a task made even more urgent by the planned opening of the 9/11 Memorial to the public on Sept. 12.


'I think that for some reason calling it a tourist site does have some kind of negative connotation, but it's a reflection that a lot of people from all different walks of life want to come visit and want to come learn,' said Joe Daniels, President of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum. 'I would be very concerned if we didn't see this amount of interest -- if we were overestimating how much people cared about 9/11 and what happened on that day.'

911国家纪念馆的总裁乔•丹尼尔斯(Joe Daniels)说,我认为出于某种原因而将它称为旅游景点的确有种负面涵义,但是这反映了各行各业许许多多的人都想来此参观,来此学习。如果我们看不到人们如此大量的兴趣,假如我们过高估计了人们对911事件、对当天发生的事件的关注,那我倒要担心了。

That doesn't appear to be the case. More than 380,000 people have reserved passes to the Memorial since July 11. They come from all 50 states and 70 different countries.


The impulse to convert a family vacation into a pilgrimage to a site of tragedy is hardly new, said scholars who study the tourism industry. It even has a name: 'dark tourism.'


'The assumption fundamentally with tourism is that it's about escape, fun, leisure recreation,' said New York University professor Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, who has studied tourism for 30 years. With 'dark tourism, the sun went down. The lights went out,' she said, noting that motivations can range from the macabre to the moral.

研究旅游业30年的纽约大学(New York University)教授巴巴拉•克申布莱特-吉姆布雷特(Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett)说,旅游业的根本前提是,它是供人逃避现实、享乐、休闲放松之用。而在"黑暗观光"中,太阳下山了,光明不见了。她指出,黑暗观光的动因多种多样,有的和死亡有关,有的和道德有关。

In that sense, she said, '9/11 is no different from any number of sites in the world where something of cataclysmic importance happened and where there is a moral imperative to remember it, to commemorate it, to feel it.'


Still, some tours have refused to incorporate Ground Zero into their official routes.


'It was not appropriate to create a special tour to financially gain from this,' said David Chien, the director of marketing for Gray Line New York.

纽约Gray Line公司的市场总监戴维•钱(David Chien)说:开辟特别线路让人们参观世贸中心遗址来赚钱是不合适的。但是他指出,当911纪念馆对公众开放后,就会发生变化。每个人多收5美元,10人以上成团,就可以参观纪念馆,作为公司随上随下巴士旅游的一部分。如果有多余的票,不随团的游客也可成行。

But, he noted, that will change with the opening of the Memorial to the public. For a $5 surcharge per person, groups of 10 or more -- and individuals, if there are extra tickets -- will be able to visit the memorial as part of the company's hop-on, hop-off bus tours.

其他公司则没有这样的负疚感。OnBoard Tours公司CEO汤姆•施密特(Tom Schmidt)说,公司已经开辟纽约市自由行线路(59.99美元),为那些想浏览纽约市貌、同时还想看看新的纪念馆这一新旅游热点的游客服务。

Others had no such qualms: OnBoard Tours has started the NYC Freedom Tour ($59.99) for the tourist who wanted 'a general tour of the city, but also wants to see the hot new attraction, which is the brand new memorial,' said OnBoard Tours CEO Tom Schmidt.

施密特反驳认为该公司的作法是机会主义的指责,他说:在旅游界每家公司都是通过把游客带到一些地方让他们看一些东西来赚钱。他强调其他城市的旅游线路也包括越南退伍军人纪念馆(Vietnam Veterans Memorial),不是因为我们要用战争中发生的灾难来赚钱,是因为我们提供服务,带着游客去看他们想看的东西。

He defended the tour against the charge of opportunism.


'Everyone that's in the tour business makes money by taking people places and showing them things,' he said, noting that tours in other cities include the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. 'It's not because we're trying to make money off disasters that occurred in wars, it's because we provide a service to take people to see things they want to see.'

世贸中心追悼中心(WTC Tribute Center)是911家庭协会(September 11th Families' Association)经营的一间非营利机构,其负责人看到人们透过"归零地"的栅栏往里窥视,就设立了市中心纪念旅游项目。

He noted the company closes only one day a year: on Sept. 11.

911家庭协会主席李•勒尔皮(Lee Ielpi)说:地上有个大洞,而这里却没人告诉人们任何事情,在我们看来这不合情理。勒尔皮的儿子乔纳森(Jonathan)是一名消防员,在袭击中死亡。

The leaders at the WTC Tribute Center, a nonprofit run by the September 11th Families' Association, created a tour of downtownmemorials after watching people peer through the fence at Ground Zero.


'There was a hole in the ground and nobody here to tell anybody anything and it made no sense to us,' said Lee Ielpi, president of the September 11th Families' Association. His son Jonathan, a firefighter, died in the attacks.


In 2005, his organization started intimate walking tours led by people directly affected by the attacks. Guides might be a first responder who rushed to the site, a survivor who worked in one of the towers, or a family member who lost a loved one.

在"归零地"的另一边,免费的911纪念馆预览点(9/11 Memorial Preview Site)面积达2500平方英尺,自2009年开放以来已吸引了近240万参观者。相关官员说,它的访客量已经超过了古根海姆博物馆(Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)。

A year later, they opened the Tribute WTC Visitor Center. More than 2.3 million people have visited the center ($15 without the tour), Mr. Ielpi said, while more than 200,000 people have taken the tours ($20 for the package).
