
Car thieves gravitate toward large trucks in general and the Cadillac Escalade SUV in particular, according to a report the Highway Loss Data Institute is releasing today.

近日美国公路损失数据研究所(Highway Loss Data Institute)公布的数据显示,最近偷车贼将目标转向了大型的卡车,尤其锺爱凯迪拉克凯雷德SUV(Cadillac Escalade)。

The research group, known as HLDI, is funded by the insurance industry and affiliated with the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. It says the Escalade is more than 6 times as likely as the average vehicle to be targeted by thieves and has overall theft losses more than 10 times larger than the average for all passenger vehicles.

该研究所由保险业资助,隶属于公路安全保险协会(Insurance Institute for Highway Safety)。报告称凯雷德被偷车贼盯上的几率比一般汽车高出6倍,遭窃的损失则较所有乘用车的平均值高出十倍以上。

Today's report is based on analysis of insurance claims for 2008 through 2010 model-year vehicles. The worst-ranking vehicle is the Escalade EXT, a version of the SUV that has a pickup bed and more than 14 claims per 1,000 insured vehicle years. That is more than eight times the average number of claims. An insured vehicle year is one vehicle insured for one year, or an equivalent, such as two vehicles insured for six months.

最新这份报告的依据是2008年到2010年相关车型的保险索赔情况。其中出事最多的是凯雷德EXT,这是一款带有皮卡货箱的SUV,每个保险年度(insured vehicle year)的索赔超过每千份14起,该数据超过平均索赔数的8倍。所谓保险年度,是指为一辆车投保一年或是同等情况,比如为两辆车各投保半年。

Pickup trucks are also favorites among thieves, and the Ford F-250 crew cab with four-wheel-drive comes in second to the Escalade for the most theft claims. Pickups have especially high theft losses $24 per insured vehicle year compared with $9 for passenger cars and $12 for SUVs.


Still, from 2007 to 2009 losses for pickups fell significantly. HLDI says this could be because ignition immobilizers that prevent thieves from hot-wiring vehicles have recently become more common in pickups. The security feature was widespread in cars and SUVs earlier. But immobilizers don't always help.


'Immobilizers are a good deterrent against joy-riding teenagers, but professionalthieves can easily haul away an SUV on a flatbed truck,' says HLDI senior vice president Kim Hazelbaker. 'A pickup that can't be driven away is still vulnerable to having tools and cargo snatched from its bed.'

"防盗器能防的多数是那些想偷车兜风的少年蟊贼,专业的偷车贼其实可以轻松地把SUV拖到平板卡车上偷走," 美国公路损失数据研究所高级副总裁金•哈泽贝克(Kim Hazelbaker)说道。"就算偷不走皮卡,贼也可以轻易从后车厢里偷走工具和货物等等。"

The most targeted car, excluding luxury and sports cars, is the Chrysler 300, followed by models known for horsepower like the Dodge Charger Hemi and Nissan Maxima. The Audi A6 tops the list of vehicles with the lowest claim frequencies.

除去豪华型和运动型轿车外,最易失窃的汽车型号还包括克莱斯勒300,还有一些以大马力出名的型号,比如道奇突击者(Dodge Charger Hemi)和尼桑风度(Nissan Maxima)等。奥迪A6失窃率在所有调查车型中最低。

Here's the Highway Loss Data Institute's list of insurance claims for 2008-2010 model-year passenger vehicles. Data include the vehicle make and model, claim frequency, average loss payment per claim and overall losses per insured vehicle year.




Cadillac Escalade, 10.8, $10,555, $114


Ford F-250 crew 4WD, 9.7, $9,496, $92

凯迪拉克凯雷德,10.8, 10,555美元, 114美元

Chevrolet Silverado 1500 crew, 9.2, $4,948, $45

福特F-250 crew 4WD, 9.7, 9,496美元, 92美元

Ford F-450 crew 4WD, 7.9, $11,701, $93

雪佛兰鼓风机(Silverado)1500 crew, 9.2, 4,948美元, 45美元

GMC Sierra 1500 crew, 7.3, $6,022, $44

福特F-450 crew 4WD, 7.9, 11,701美元, 93美元

Chrysler 300, 7.1, $5,509, $39

通用西拉(Sierra)1500 crew, 7.3, 6,022美元, 44美元

Ford F-350 crew 4WD, 7.0, $9,088, $64

克莱斯勒 300, 7.1, 5,509美元, 39美元

Chevrolet Avalanche 1500, 6.4, $6,689, $43

福特F-350 crew 4WD, 7.0, 9,088美元, 64美元

GMC Yukon, 6.4, $6,645, $42

雪佛兰雪崩(Avalanche)1500, 6.4, 6,689美元, 43美元

Chrysler 300 Hemi, 6.3, $8,294, $52

通用育空(Yukon), 6.4, 6,645美元, 42美元


克莱斯勒300 Hemi, 6.3, 8,294美元, 52美元

Audi A6 AWD, 0.5, $16,882, $8


Mercury Mariner(2009-2010), 0.5, $1,970, $1

奥迪A6 AWD, 0.5, 16,882美元, 8美元

Chevrolet Equinox (2010), 0.6, $2,069, $1

水星水手(Mercury Mariner) (2009-2010), 0.5, 1,970美元, 1美元

Volkswagen CC (2009-10), 0.6, $7,098, $4

雪佛兰春分(Equinox) (2010), 0.6, 2,069美元, 1美元

Chevrolet Equinox AWD (2010), 0.6, $4,870, $3

大众CC (2009-10), 0.6, 7,098美元, 4美元

Lexus RX 350 (2010), 0.6, $6,084, $4

雪佛兰春分AWD (2010), 0.6, 4,870美元, 3美元

Saturn Vue, 0.6, $3,747, $2

雷克萨斯RX 350 (2010), 0.6, 6,084美元, 4美元

Chevrolet Aveo (2009-10), 0.6, $7,642, $5,

土星(Saturn)Vue, 0.6, 3,747美元, 2美元

BMW 5 Series AWD, 0.7, $12,200, $8

雪佛兰爱唯欧(Aveo) (2009-10), 0.6, 7,642美元, 5美元,

Mini Cooper Clubman, 0.7, $1,883, $1

宝马5系 AWD, 0.7, 12,200美元, 8美元

Average for all passenger vehicles, 1.7, $6,767, $11

迷你库珀(Mini Cooper) Clubman, 0.7, 1,883美元, 1美元

Note: Claim frequencies are per 1,000 insured vehicle yrs.; overall losses are avg. payments per ins. vehicle yr.; vehicles are 2008-2010 model year unless otherwise noted.

所有轿车平均值, 1.7, 6,767美元, 11美元

Jonathan Welsh