
Tennis champ Maria Sharapova is known as a tough, aggressiveplayer. Her grunting during matches is as legendary as her signature swinging volley. When off court, she's a striking blend of steeliness and unabashed femininity. She loves high heels but also tough Rick Owens leather jackets. She loves Pippi Longstocking books and fluffy rom-coms and the challenging paintings of experimental artist Ed Moses. That mix of girliness and brass has made the Russian-born 24-year-old a favorite in the sports and fashion worlds.

生于俄罗斯、现年24岁的网球冠军玛丽亚·莎拉波娃(Maria Sharapova)是出了名的凶猛进攻型选手。她在赛场上的咆哮声和她标志性的强力正手击球一样具有传奇色彩。在球场之外,她把冷酷刚强的个性和毫不掩饰的女性特征惊人地融合在一起。她热爱高跟鞋,但也喜欢风格硬朗的瑞克·欧文斯(Rick Owens)皮夹克。她爱看《长袜子皮皮》(Pippi Longstocking)系列和轻松的浪漫喜剧,还喜欢实验派画家埃德·摩西(Ed Moses)充满挑战精神的画作。在她身上完美融合了女孩气质和无畏精神,这使其同时成为体育界和时尚界的宠儿。

Brands including Evian, Tag Heuer and Sony Ericsson have asked her to work on endorsement deals, and Cole Haan tapped her to design a line of shoes and handbags in 2009. Her ballet flats, featured in Vogue, among other fashion magazines, have become one of the brand's top-selling shoes. She also has an apparel line with Nike, Cole Haan's parent company.

包括依云(Evian)、豪雅表(Tag Heuer)和索尼爱立信(Sony Ericsson)在内的品牌纷纷与她签订代言合同。2009年,Cole Haan还请她设计了一系列鞋子和手包产品,她在登上《Vogue》及其他流行杂志封面时所穿的芭蕾舞鞋成为这个品牌最畅销的鞋款之一。Cole Haan的母公司耐克(Nike)也推出了一个以她名字命名的网球装系列。

Forbes recently ranked Ms. Sharapova as the world's highest-paid femaleathlete for the seventh straight year: She earned $25 million, double the amount of any other femaleathlete in the world.


But back to tennis. Once plagued by injuries and erratic playing, over the past year she has muscled her way back into the top 10. In July, she reached her first Wimbledon final since her landmark win over Serena Williams in 2004 at age 17. Last Sunday, she clinched the Western & Southern Open in Cincinnati. She is now ranked fourth as she heads to the U.S. Open in New York, which begins Monday.

现在,我们还是回到网球上来吧。莎拉波娃一度受伤病和不稳定的发挥困扰,但在过去的一年中,她努力使排名回升到世界前十。今年7月,她闯进了温布尔登国际网球公开赛(Wimbledon)的决赛,这是她自2004年以来首次打入该赛事的决赛──当年,17岁的莎拉波娃击败了小威廉姆斯(Serena Williams),取得了划时代的战绩。8月22日,她赢得了在辛辛那提举行的西南财团公开赛(Western & Southern Open)的女单冠军。9月初,在纽约的美国网球公开赛(U.S. Open)上她进入了32强,但是无缘16强。目前她的排名是世界第四。

We caught up with Ms. Sharapova, who splits her time between homes in Sarasota, Fla., and Manhattan Beach, Calif., fresh off her on-court victory.

莎拉波娃在佛罗里达州的萨拉索塔(Sarasota)和加利福尼亚州的曼哈顿海滩(Manhattan Beach)都有住所,经常是两边来回跑。最近她接受了我们的采访,以下是她对记者的一系列提问的回答。

I much prefer heels to sneakers. As a girl, it was 'Give me my great Jimmy Choos.' The other girls wanted new Nikes.

我对高跟鞋的热爱远远超出了运动鞋。作为一个女孩,我最想要的是吉米·丘(Jimmy Choos)的高跟鞋。其他女孩也许想要全新的耐克。

Every time I go to Paris, I have to stop at the Rick Owens store and get a new jacket. I have about seven.


I have so many favorite designers. Stella McCartney is definitely on the list. Sarah Burton has done an incredible job for Alexander McQueen. I'm wearing her a lot on the red carpet. I worked with her on my ESPY Awards dress.

我喜欢的设计师太多了。斯特拉·麦科特尼(Stella McCartney)绝对是其中之一。萨拉·伯顿(Sarah Burton)也是亚历山大·麦昆(Alexander McQueen)不错的掌门人,我在走红地毯时穿的很多礼服都出自她的手笔。我在"年度卓越体育表现奖"(ESPY Awards)颁奖典礼上所穿的礼服就是我和她一起设计的。

My favorite purchases of all time are pieces from painters Chris Gwaltney and Ed Moses. I love to collect modern art.

我最满意的购物成果就是克里斯·郭尔特尼(Chris Gwaltney)和埃德·摩西的绘画作品。我喜欢收藏现代美术作品。

Recently, I've been listening to Adele a lot. I like 'Someone Like You,' the emotions of it are strong, powerful. Music is a part of my life all the time-on the plane, before matches, driving out to the court.

最近,我听了很多阿黛尔(Adele)的音乐。我喜欢《爱人如你》(Someone Like You)这首歌,它的情绪很强烈,很有力量。音乐一直是我生活的一部分──在飞机上、在比赛前、在开车去网球场的途中,我都离不开音乐。

My guilty TV pleasure is 'Chelsea Lately.' I love Chelsea Handler.

我爱看《Chelsea Lately》这档电视节目,这个爱好也许有点俗气,但我喜欢切尔西·汉德勒(Chelsea Handler)。

My swinging volley is my most dangerous shot. It's a rewarding shot. I don't know if it catches my opponents off guard but I hope it does.


The one piece of jewelry I almost never take off is my cross necklace I got from my parents when I was very young.


After a match, I go shopping if I lose. If I win, I prepare for the next match.


My favorite thing about playing in the U.S. Open is the crowd. They're always great and enthusiastic. You really feel that energy when playing.


During tournaments, I like to read something that is easy and quick. I'm a big fan of Pippi Longstocking books. I've always loved children's literature. It's feel-good reading. And I like Sherlock Holmes. I love the world of spying.

在比赛期间,我喜欢看一些浅显易懂的读物。我是《长袜子皮皮》的超级粉丝。我一直很喜欢儿童读物,这些书读起来很舒服。我还喜欢《福尔摩斯》(Sherlock Holmes)系列。我对侦探世界很着迷。

I'm terrible at other sports. I don't even try.


My favorite shampoo is Kérastase.


My favorite perfume is Stella McCartney. It's really fresh. You can wear it day and night. I like things that are practical.


The best time is when I'm around family and friends cooking or having an afternoon tea party or doing karaoke.


My favorite restaurants are Mari Vanna in New York and MB Post, a new restaurant in Manhattan Beach. Pelmenis would be my favorite dish at Mari Vanna; at MB Post, braised short ribs with pomegranate couscous.

我最喜欢的餐馆是纽约的Mari Vanna 和曼哈顿海滩的一家新馆子MB Post。在Mari Vanna,我最爱吃的菜是俄式云吞;在MB Post,我的最爱则是炖牛小排配石榴蒸粗麦粉。

The last purchase I made was a navy and blue Céline sweater. It's practical for everyday life.


My favorite drink is a glass of red wine or a good sangria.


The best lesson I've learned, in terms of being an athlete, is when faced with adversity keep a balance line. Whether you win a match or lose a match, in terms of your emotions, it's important to be pretty levelheaded.
