The longest in life and the fairest in hue, When day and night, in bridal light, Mingle their bein...
Breasts and limbs and lifted eyes, Hair and lips and stretching fingers, Fade away--and fadeless r...
On lights as quiet as their own; The streets that groaned with traffic show As if with silence pav...
him with the mantle of the Anti-Jacobin, adding (that there may be some Irish in him) a dash of Gra...
How could it be otherwise, fair as thou wert? Placidly fading, and sinking and shading At last to ...
your kind and a sober estimate of our civilized qualities. The aim and business of the Comic poet a...
worthy of the sentiment of scholarly esteem prompting the visit, behaved (if we exclude the dagger)...
Poems by George Meredith - Volume 1 by George Meredith CHILLIANWALLAH Chillanwallah, Chillanwalla...
The bitterness at a glance, and pressed Into the comfort of her breast The deep-throed quaking sha...
Thais of the Eunuchus of Terence is neither professionally attractive nor repulsive; his picture of...
SONG Love within the lover's breast Burns like Hesper in the west, O'er the ashes of the sun, Ti...
where Comedy is not possible; and that comes of some degree of social equality of the sexes. I am n...
thee. Ravening king of the folk, for that thou hast thy rule over abjects; Else, son of Atreus, n...
The stallions of Camargue, all joyful in the roar; And keen as a whip they lash and crack Their ta...
His path, doth he permit to force her chains A soft Persuader coursing through his veins, An icy H...