Beside a dark and covered way: Each dreams himself a monarch on his throne, And so they stay and s...
"By taking artificial pain--which can be as trivial as you please--slowly, the result is that, when...
with Eric as your escort," he added, to Lady Muriel, who had joined us while he was speaking. "You...
that event would necessarily come first in this case. "So, if I can once get in," I said to myself,...
We joined them, and the conversation soon turned on the sermon we had just heard, the subject of wh...
They wants to be drove up, like sheep." "Would it save time," I suggested, "if I were to walk round...
I presented them in due form. "This is Sylvie, Lady Muriel. And this is Bruno." "Any surname?" she...
worked. "Oo like Fairies, don't oo?" "Yes," I said: "of course I do, or I shouldn't have come here....
you know--" "Doos oo always confuses two animals together?" Bruno asked. "Pretty often, I'm afraid...
I rather think Sylvie didn't "under'tand" at all; but she gave him a little kiss on each cheek, whi...
His friend in such a genial vein! How cheerfully the bond he signed, To pay the money back again! ...
"I was delayed," I stammered. Though what it was that had delayed me I should have been puzzled to ...
Still, to avail myself of it Would not be quite convenient!' You'll see in a moment what the diffe...
the large one? I have often observed that a door unlocks much more nicely with its own key." The v...
so bright!" she went on dreamily. "It dazzles!" said Bruno, shading his eyes with one little hand, ...