pregnant and longing; they are possessed with an idea, and cannot be at peace until they have put i...
rule is not unnatural in a sense preclusive of its very existence, it is neither so convenient nor ...
miscarriage, as have given me little less disquiet than he is fancied to have who found his face in...
This was on the first of those three interviews which he has preserved for us with so much dramatic...
contemporary light upon the journal, and Pepys was plunged for ever in social and political disgrac...
young Newport - loose company," says he, "but worth a man's being in for once, to know the nature o...
reflection; and thus the Gospel, cleared of Eastern metaphor, becomes a manual of worldly prudence,...
reports of Philip of Burgundy. He had the ideas of a former generation, and sought to correct them ...
mechanical right hand? The rest of the winter was not uneventful for the gang. First they made a d...
Et le soleil dessechez et noirciz; Pies, corbeaulx, nous ont les yeux cavez, Et arrachez la barbe ...
mastery as in the lists of tournament, we are tempted to think of the LARGE TESTAMENT as of one lon...
most learned persons of France, in his father's Court; and would not fail to notice that these bril...
to look around them for the abstractly perfect, and began more and more to understand the drift of ...
debts on the following Sunday. More than eight hundred creditors presented themselves, but by that ...
board, was of the amount of two sous. Now two sous was about the price of a pound of salt butter in...