"Good morning, Emperor!" said he. "Could I not take service in the palace he re?" "Well, there are...
The Little SwineherdATXul0 cf0 There was onc e a poor Prince: he had a kingdom, but it was a very ...
"Why, he has got nothing on!" cried a little child. "Lis ten to the voice of innocence!" said the ...
So the Emperor's clothes were removed, and the impostors pretended to give him the newly-made ones ...
"It is magnificent, elegant, excellent!" went from mouth to mouth. Everybody seemed so mightily ple...
A pretty joke, I must say, but I must not let it be noticed!" So he praised the clo th he did not s...
"Well, have you nothing to say about it?" asked one of the weavers. "Oh, it is beautiful! Absolutel...
paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 f1 fs28 The Emperor's New ClothesATXul0 cf0 Many year s a...
So the duckling was taken on trial for three weeks, but not a single egg came to light. The cat was ...
Only when the day was far advanced and all was still again did the poor duckling dare to get u p. I...
"Listen, comrade!" said they; "you are so ugly that we have quite taken a fancy to you. Will you scu...
Thus it fared with him the first day, and after that things grew worse and worse. The wretched duckl...
"I should like to know how the manufacture of the cloth is getting on," thought the Emperor; b ut r...
"You have pretty children, mother!" said the old duck with the rag round her leg. "They are all pret...
And so they came into the duck-yard. There was a frightful noise there, for two families were fight...