

And apple flowers unfold,

Find not of that dear need that all things tell
The heart unburdened nor the arms unfilled.

O Love, whereof my boyhood was the dream,
My youth the beautiful novitiate,

Life was so slight a thing and thou so great,
How could I make thee less than all-supreme!

In thy sweet transports not alone I thought
Mingled the twain that panted breast to breast.

The sun and stars throbbed with them; they were caught
Into the pulse of Nature and possessed

By the same light that consecrates it so.
Love! -- 'tis the payment of the debt we owe

The beauty of the world, and whensoe'er
In silks and perfume and unloosened hair

The loveliness of lovers, face to face,
Lies folded in the adorable embrace,

Doubt not as of a perfect sacrifice
That soul partakes whose inspiration fills

The springtime and the depth of summer skies,
The rainbow and the clouds behind the hills,

That excellence in earth and air and sea
That makes things as they are the real divinity.

Thirty Sonnets:
Sonnet I

Down the strait vistas where a city street
Fades in pale dust and vaporous distances,

Stained with far fumes the light grows less and less
And the sky reddens round the day's retreat.

Now out of orient chambers, cool and sweet,
Like Nature's pure lustration, Dusk comes down.

Now the lamps brighten and the quickening town
Rings with the trample of returning feet.

And Pleasure, risen from her own warm mould
Sunk all the drowsy and unloved daylight

In layers of odorous softness, Paphian girls
Cover with gauze, with satin, and with pearls,

Crown, and about her spangly vestments fold
The ermine of the empire of the Night.

Sonnet II
Her courts are by the flux of flaming ways,

Between the rivers and the illumined sky
Whose fervid depths reverberate from on high

Fierce lustres mingled in a fiery haze.
They mark it inland; blithe and fair of face

Her suitors follow, guessing by the glare
Beyond the hilltops in the evening air

How bright the cressets at her portals blaze.
On the pure fronts Defeat ere many a day

Falls like the soot and dirt on city-snow;
There hopes deferred lie sunk in piteous seams.

Her paths are disillusion and decay,
With ruins piled and unapparent woe,

The graves of Beauty and the wreck of dreams.
Sonnet III

There was a youth around whose early way
White angels hung in converse and sweet choir,

Teaching in summer clouds his thought to stray, --
In cloud and far horizon to desire.

His life was nursed in beauty, like the stream
Born of clear showers and the mountain dew,

Close under snow-clad summits where they gleam
Forever pure against heaven's orient blue.

Within the city's shades he walked at last.
Faint and more faint in sad recessional

Down the dim corridors of Time outworn,
A chorus ebbed from that forsaken past,

A hymn of glories fled beyond recall
With the lost heights and splendor of life's morn.

Sonnet IV
Up at his attic sill the South wind came

And days of sun and storm but never peace.
Along the town's tumultuous arteries

He heard the heart-throbs of a sentient frame:
Each night the whistles in the bay, the same

Whirl of incessant wheels and clanging cars:
For smoke that half obscured, the circling stars

Burnt like his youth with but a sickly flame.
Up to his attic came the city cries --

The throes with which her iron sinews heave --
And yet forever behind prison doors

Welled in his heart and trembled in his eyes
The light that hangs on desert hills at eve

And tints the sea on solitary shores. . . .
Sonnet V

A tide of beauty with returning May
Floods the fair city; from warm pavements fume

Odors endeared; down avenues in bloom
The chestnut-trees with phallic spires are gay.

Over the terrace flows the thronged cafe;
The boulevards are streams of hurrying sound;

And through the streets, like veins when they abound,
The lust for pleasure throbs itself away.

Here let me live, here let me still pursue
Phantoms of bliss that beckon and recede, --

Thy strange allurements, City that I love,
Maze of romance, where I have followed too

The dream Youth treasures of its dearest need
And stars beyond thy towers bring tidings of.

Sonnet VI
Give me the treble of thy horns and hoofs,

The ponderous undertones of 'bus and tram,
A garret and a glimpse across the roofs

Of clouds blown eastward over Notre Dame,
The glad-eyed streets and radiant gatherings

Where I drank deep the bliss of being young,
The strife and sweet potential flux of things

I sought Youth's dream of happiness among!
It walks here aureoled with the city-light,

Forever through the myriad-featured mass
Flaunting not far its fugitiveembrace, --

Heard sometimes in a song across the night,
Caught in a perfume from the crowds that pass,

And when love yields to love seen face to face.
Sonnet VII

To me, a pilgrim on that journey bound
Whose stations Beauty's bright examples are,

As of a silken city famed afar
Over the sands for wealth and holy ground,

Came the report of one -- a woman crowned
With all perfection, blemishless and high,

As the full moon amid the moonlit sky,
With the world's praise and wonder clad around.

And I who held this notion of success:
To leave no form of Nature's loveliness

Unworshipped, if glad eyes have access there, --
Beyond all earthly bounds have made my goal

To find where that sweet shrine is and extol
The hand that triumphed in a work so fair.

Sonnet VIII
Oft as by chance, a little while apart

The pall of empty, loveless hours withdrawn,
Sweet Beauty, opening on the impoverished heart,

Beams like the jewel on the breast of dawn:
Not though high heaven should rend would deeper awe

Fill me than penetrates my spirit thus,
Nor all those signs the Patmian prophet saw

Seem a new heaven and earth so marvelous;
But, clad thenceforth in iridescent dyes,

The fair world glistens, and in after days
The memory of kind lips and laughing eyes

Lives in my step and lightens all my face, --
So they who found the Earthly Paradise

Still breathed, returned, of that sweet, joyful place.
Sonnet IX

Amid the florid multitude her face
Was like the full moon seen behind the lace

Of orchard boughs where clouded blossoms part
When Spring shines in the world and in the heart.

As the full-moon-beams to the ferny floor
Of summer woods through flower and foliage pour,

So to my being's innermost recess
Flooded the light of so much loveliness;

She held as in a vase of priceless ware
The wine that over arid ways and bare

My youth was the pathetic thirsting for,
And where she moved the veil of Nature grew

Diaphanous and that radiance mantled through
Which, when I see, I tremble and adore.

Sonnet X
A splendor, flamelike, born to be pursued,

With palms extent for amorous charity
And eyes incensed with love for all they see,

A wonder more to be adored than wooed,
On whom the grace of conscious womanhood

Adorning every little thing she does
Sits like enchantment, making glorious

A careless pose, a casual attitude;
Around her lovely shoulders mantle-wise

Hath come the realm of those old fabulous queens
Whose storied loves are Art's rich heritage,

To keep alive in this our latter age
That force that moving through sweet Beauty's means

Lifts up Man's soul to towering enterprise.
Sonnet XI

* A paraphrase of Petrarca, `Quando fra l'altre donne . . .'
When among creatures fair of countenance

Love comes enformed in such proud character,
So far as other beauty yields to her,

So far the breast with fiercer longing pants;
I bless the spot, and hour, and circumstance,

That wed desire to a thing so high,
And say, Glad soul, rejoice, for thou and I

Of bliss unpaired are made participants;
Hence have come ardent thoughts and waking dreams

That, feeding Fancy from so sweet a cup,
Leave it no lust for gross imaginings.

Through her the woman's perfect beauty gleams
That while it gazes lifts the spirit up

To that high source from which all beauty springs.
Sonnet XII

Like as a dryad, from her native bole
Coming at dusk, when the dim stars emerge,

To a slow river at whose silent verge
Tall poplars tremble and deep grasses roll,

Come thou no less and, kneeling in a shoal
Of the freaked flag and meadow buttercup,

Bend till thine image from the pool beam up
Arched with blue heaven like an aureole.

See how adorable in fancy then
Lives the fair face it mirrors even so,

