
I tell ya, I'm all right now, but last week I was in rough shape, to borrow from Rodney Dangerfield. I had a terrible cold that waylaid me for a few days. It's never fun to be sick, but some times are far better (and worse) than others. Indeed, I got a crash lesson in what happens when the irresistible force of an illness meets the immovable object of a crucial workday.

借用谐星丹泽菲尔德(Rodney Dangerfield)的一句话:跟你说吧,我现在没问题了,但上周状态很差。一场严重感冒让我好几天精神不起来。生病肯定不好玩,但有时候远远好过(有时候也坏过)其他情况。事实上我就汲取了深刻的教训,知道疾病不可抗拒的力量遭遇重要工作日不可动摇的任务时,将会发生什么样的情况。

The cold that swept through my family last week got to me noticeably on Wednesday, but it was Thursday morning that found me barely able to move. Unfortunately, Thursdays are my busiest workdays: I'm the production editor for three of the Journal's weekly sections, two of which close on Thursdays. With the relaunch of the Saturday paper in September, my duties expanded in such a way that it's difficult for any one person to fully replace me