
The W Hotels, which bills itself as a 'design-led lifestyle brand,' says it strives to incorporate the local culture of each hotel into its décor, but with a contemporary twist. As it expands in Asia, Scene wondered how the company's swanky New York style will translate in this region.

以"设计引领生活方式"自居的W酒店(W Hotels)宣称,它将致力于把本地文化融入旗下每一家酒店的装潢设计之中,同时又会为本地文化注入一点当代时尚。我们想要知道,在拓展亚洲版图的过程之中,W酒店将会以怎样的方式在本区演绎自身那种奢华的纽约风格。

The hotel chain recently opened three new hotels in Asia in Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia. (Expansion plans are in the works