
One of the new signatories to the Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge is Denny Sanford.

近来"巴比捐款誓言"(Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge)的名单上又多了些新面孔,其中一位是丹尼•桑福德(Denny Sanford)。

Mr. Sanford, the South Dakotan who made his fortune from First Premiere Bank and Premiere Bankcard, is no longer on the Forbes list of richest Americans but is likely still be a billionaire.

桑福德是美国南达科他州人士,靠美国信用卡发卡银行First Premiere Bank和信用卡公司Premiere Bankcard发家致富,现在他已不再是《福布斯》(Forbes)全美富豪排行榜的座上客,但很可能仍然腰缠万贯。

What makes Mr. Sanford's inclusion on the list notable is his past giving. The Giving Pledge is all about encouraging new giving by billionaires and to encourage others to give more than they might otherwise give without Messrs. Gates and Buffett as examples.


But Mr. Sanford fulfilled the pledge long before he signed it. By 2007, he had already pledged to give away $500 million, or about half his estimated fortune. Fully $400 million of that went to the Sioux Valley Health Care System in his home state of South Dakota. The rest went to the Children's Home Society of South Dakota.

但桑福德在签署"巴比捐赠誓言"之前就已经履行了誓言中的慈善承诺。到2007年,桑福德已承诺捐资5亿美元,约为他财富估值的一半。其中有4亿美元已完全划拨至他的老家美国南达科他州苏谷医疗系统(Sioux Valley Health Care System),剩余的1亿美元给了南达科他州儿童之家协会(Children's Home Society)。

Mr. Sanford is a great and well-celebrated philanthropist. But his signature to the Wealth Pledge doesn't represent new giving