
For Kevin and Leslie Espowe, Christmas once meant leaving out cookies for Santa before the kids went to bed. Last year, the couple graduated to a phone call from Santa -- actually a number Mr. Espowe saved on his cell phone as 'North Pole.' This holiday, the Espowes are going one better: editing a Santa image into a photo of their roof.

对凯文•埃斯伯(Kevin Espowe)和莱斯利•埃斯伯(Leslie Espowe)来说,圣诞节一度只是意味着在孩子上床睡觉前给圣诞老人留下几块饼干。2009年,这对夫妇设计了一个来自圣诞老人的电话──凯文在手机里存了一个联系人名称为"北极"的电话号码。今年的圣诞节,他们还将更上一层楼:拍一张自家屋顶的照片,然后把圣诞老人的形象加上去。


'It takes a bit more convincing now,' says Ms. Espowe, a 29-year-old mother of five girls from Union, Mo., who wants Santa to appear hurtling down an exposed pipe, since the house has no chimney. The Espowes will email the picture to their oldest daughter and have her show it to her sisters Christmas morning.

"运用高科技绝对是个好办法──孩子们认为,电脑或电话上的东西不会有假," 莱斯利说道。


'Technology is definitely a good way -- they think if it's on the computer or a phone, it's real,' she says.

大人们费尽心机想保住孩子们的童真天地,让圣诞老人、牙齿仙女(Tooth Fairy)和复活节小兔子(Easter Bunny)存在于他们的世界当中,但同时又产生了新的困惑:无害的小谎言和赤裸裸的欺骗到底有没有一个界限可言?

"我希望这是一个有趣好玩的过程,不想给孩子留下什么童年阴影。"艾蜜•布莱尔(Amy Lupold Bair)说道。她四岁的孩子诺阿(Noah)经常通过电脑来验证自己父母的言论。(他三岁就会说:"我们来谷歌一下好了。")去年圣诞节,艾蜜以一个名称为"圣诞老人"的邮箱地址给诺阿发了一封电子邮件。诺阿信以为真,今年还让艾蜜给圣诞老人发电子邮件,附上自己的愿望清单。

Video and photo editing, smartphone apps, email and other digital tools are gaining popularity as parents try to persuade their 21st-century kids that there is a Santa Claus. Technology can create evidence more convincing than fake reindeer tracks in the snow -- though without a deft touch, Santa can come off looking like a perp in a security video.

其他一些父母在尝试纪录片风格的视频。"我对妻子说,拍起来要有抖动,看起来更可信一些,就像追踪大脚怪(Big Foot)的那段视频一样。"诺姆•豪尔(Norm Hall)说道。去年圣诞夜,他和妻子爱丽森(Alison)拍了一个圣诞老人来临的场景,片头是两个手电筒照到黑漆漆的院子里头。


As adults seek slicker proof to back up the legends of childhood -- the existence of Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny -- there's new confusion over the line between harmless fibs and outright deception.

45岁的诺姆是伊利诺斯州格里维尔市(Greenville)格里维尔大学(Greenville College)的学生训导主任,有三个孩子。他说当时10岁的儿子乔尼在床上听到动静,穿着自己的蜘蛛侠(Spider-Man)睡衣跑到门廊,观看父母拍下的这段视频。

"见证神奇"(Capture the Magic)是一个互联网在线服务,能让人们上传家庭照片,然后在照片上插入一个圣诞老人的形象。弗吉尼亚州Leesburg市的吉姆•哈里汉(Jim Hallihan)是"见证神奇"网站的创始人之一。在网站开发时期,他花1,500美元请了一个圣诞老人样子的人,花三个小时让他摆出150多种姿势,比如背着一袋子礼物,拍着自己的肚子,在地上爬等等。

'I want it to be playful and fun -- I don't want it to be the source of future therapy sessions,' says Amy Lupold Bair, whose four-year-old, Noah, often turns to the computer to back up his parents' assertions. (He said 'Let's Google that' at three). Last Christmas, she sent Noah an email from a 'Santa Claus' address. Noah was convinced, and this year had his mother type up his Christmas list in an email to Santa.

44岁的查丽•泰勒(Charlie Taylor)住在俄勒冈州,她说自己19岁的女儿娜琳(Tigard)最近透露一个信息,说她一直到上7年级的时候,还相信有圣诞老人,她还曾经在小学操场上跟同学打架,就是为了捍卫圣诞老人的存在。今年圣诞节,泰勒10岁的儿子戴文也开始疑心起来,泰勒正在试图保住圣诞老人在儿子心目中的地位,她使用加拿大媒体公司Sympatico.ca的一个视频服务叫"神奇圣诞老人",其能提供1,478个姓名和其他各种选择,从而使来自圣诞老人的讯息更个性化。


Other parents try documentary-style video. 'I said to my wife, it's got to be shaky and believable, you know, like that Big Foot video,' says Norm Hall, who filmed a scene last Christmas Eve with his wife, Alison, that starts with the two retrieving flashlights and looking out onto the dark yard.

一个叫做sendacallfromsanta.com的网站提供一个供用户选择的电话服务,让圣诞老人可以打电话过来,最后甚至还会说一句"光明节快乐(Happy Hanukkah)!"不过,也有一个风险存在:圣诞老人在最后会说一句煞风景的话:"这是由谷歌声音(Google Voice)为你提供服务,有人觉得你可能会喜欢这条信息。" 谷歌公司的发言人Lily Lin说,这项服务本意是让人用更好玩的方式送出圣诞祝福,而不是说服孩子们圣诞老人的存在。

西蒙•华生(Simon Watson)是伦敦一家IT公司的销售人员,他开发了一款iPhone上的应用程序"Elf Cam",并决定把圣诞老人的形象弄成绿色的,就好像是用夜视照相机拍下来的一样。他去年圣诞节开发了这款应用程序,当时他八岁的侄女玛丽塔(Matilda)想搞一条绊脚索,拍下圣诞老人的照片。现在,让玛丽塔相信圣诞老人存在的压力依然存在。"我今年没能保护住复活节小兔子的秘密,结果她在超市里号啕大哭。"她妈妈劳拉•华生(Laura Watson)说道。

'I'm a little afraid of going out there by myself,' Mr. Hall says in the video, pausing as he waits for a neighbor to appear in a Santa suit. After a few minutes, the flashlight beam captures a fleeting, jerky image of Santa running across the grass. Over his wife's screaming, Mr. Hall shouts, 'Get Jonny up!'

甚至一些采取更传统方式来保守圣诞老人秘密的父母也会被科技搞得焦头烂额。34岁的西瑟•布拉塔(Heather Peralta)住在乔治亚州的Savannah,她把圣诞老人的手套放在大门外头,把圣诞老人的驾驶执照放在楼梯上──这些是她在网上定购的圣诞老人"证据套装"的一部分。这些东西是用一个褐色的普通盒子邮寄过来的。2008年的圣诞节过后,她在博客中写道她九岁的女儿简森(Janson)如何信以为真,甚至坚持要让家里人用UPS快递把圣诞老人的驾照寄回去。2009年圣诞节,布拉塔又想重施故技,没想到简森直截了当地对她说:"妈妈,没事,我已经知道了,我看了你在博客上写的文章。"

Ellen Gamerman

Mr. Hall, a 45-year-old father of three who is dean of students at Greenville College in Greenville, Ill., says his then-10-year-old son, Jonny, heard the commotion from bed, ran to the foyer in his Spider-Man pajamas and watched the video.

圣诞送礼 别选iPad2010-12-24


When developing 'Capture the Magic,' a Web service that allows people to upload a home photo and insert a Santa image into the picture, co-founder Jim Hallihan of Leesburg, Va., paid $1,500 for a Santa look-alike. A three-hour photo shoot put Santa in more than 150 poses, including hauling a bag of gifts, grabbing his belly and crawling on his hands and knees.



Charlie Taylor, a 44-year-old mom from Tigard, Ore., says her daughter Naelyn, now 19, recently revealed that she believed in Santa until seventh grade and got in fights on the elementary-school playground defending his existence. This holiday, Ms. Taylor is trying to preserve Santa for her now-doubtful 10-year-old son, Devin, by sending him a Santa video. She'll use 'Magic Santa,' a video service from Canadian media company Sympatico.ca that offers a menu of 1,478 names and other options to personalize messages.

'You're actually lying to your children, but if you think about it, Santa's more the spirit of giving, so I think it's nice for them to have something to believe in,' says Ms. Taylor.

A website, sendacallfromsanta.com, uses a menu to tailor a phone call from Santa that can even end with him saying 'Happy Hanukkah.' One hazard: Santa blows the secret at the end. 'This message was brought to you by Google Voice and someone you know who thought you might like it,' he says. The service is meant more for users to create playful phone greetings than to convince children Santa is real, says Google spokeswoman Lily Lin.

Simon Watson, a London-based salesman for a technology company, decided to tint Santa green as though captured by a night-vision camera to add realism to his iPhone app 'Elf Cam.' He created the app after last Christmas, when his then eight-year-old niece, Matilda, wanted to set up a trip wire to catch Santa on camera. The pressure is on to keep Matilda believing: 'I let it slip about the Easter Bunny this year and there were tears in the supermarket,' says her mother, Laura Watson.

Even parents who take a more traditional approach can get foiled by technology. Heather Peralta, a 34-year-old mother of two from Savannah, Ga., dropped Santa's glove outside the front door and left Santa's driver's license on the stairs -- part of a Santa 'evidence kit' she ordered online that arrived at the house in a plain brown box. After that 2008 holiday, she blogged about how her then nine-year-old daughter, Janson, bought the story and even insisted the family return the license via UPS.

When Ms. Peralta tried to pick up the ruse again last year, she recalls, Janson interrupted her: 'She said to me, 'It's OK Mama. I already know. I read about it on your blog.''

Ellen Gamerman